The Room of The Dead Cheater

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Hoseok and I slowly entered the apartment, Namjoon just walked in like it was nothing. We flipped on the nearest light switch and the apartment seemed normal. There were a few sheets thrown over some furniture, but that wasn’t really scary. We continued to investigate the apartment with Namjoon in the lead holding the camera, capturing everything. Just before we were about to enter the bedroom, I stopped. I had a really bad feeling about the bedroom specifically.

“I don’t think we should go in there. I have a bad feeling”. I said. Namjoon and Hoseok looked at me.

“It’s gonna be fine just stay close to me”. Namjoon said putting his free hand around my shoulder. We walked into the bedroom slowly, the place where it all began. The place where the man was murdered, we’re here. The room was incredibly dusty and the window was left open. The moonlight streamed in brightly. We tried to turn on the bedroom light, but no matter how many times we flipped the switch it just wouldn’t turn on. My heart began to beat faster. Normally, I’m a risk taker who’s up for a lot, but because of the horror movie earlier, I was still shaken up by it. I’ve had enough horror for today. Just as I was about to run out of the room, the lights turned on. And there wasn’t a pleasant sight to see in the room. A nest of moths scattered the ceiling. I really hate bugs, especially moths. I started freaking out whenever a moth was near me.

“EW EW EW I HATE MOTHS LET’S GET OUT OF HERE”! I yelled dashing out of the door. Hoseok grabbed my arm before I could leave. Then he pulled me closer to him.

“It’s fine, Oppa’s here”. He whispered into my ear. Namjoon didn’t seem to notice. Instead, his attention was captured by something else. I was calmed by Hoseok’s words of comfort, that feeling didn’t last long. We noticed what Namjoon was staring at.

“Namjoon, we should leave now”. Hoseok suggested. There, in the far corner was a very old woman just sitting in a chair. We couldn’t tell if she was awake, dead, or just asleep. Her chest was slightly moving as if she was breathing. Namjoon just stood there, filming everything. Hoseok just kept holding onto me and I was frozen in my position. Just then, I felt something cold rub my inner thigh. Since I was wearing shorts, whatever touched me rubbed my bare leg and sent chills up my body. Hoseok noticed my discomfort.

“What’s wrong”? He asked.

“I felt something touch me”. I replied. It didn’t stop there. I felt something press hard against my crotch. I squeezed my legs together and my hand grabbed Hoseok’s shirt and pulled on it. The touching began to get stronger.

“Um Namjoon, I think we found the ghost”. Hoseok called. Namjoon spun around. My t-shirt was being pulled by something and it was clear. Namjoon got closer and swiped his hand around the area that was being pulled.

“Yup, something’s there. It’s really cold”. He confirmed. I was really uncomfortable. But this ghost is just gonna touch me right? Nothing else? Nope, I was wrong. Out of the corner of my eye, the old woman was walking closer to us.

“Namjoon look behind you”! I shouted. That was enough to scare the 3 of us out of the apartment. We dashed out and slammed the door shut. We sat on the floor in the hallway breathing heavily.

“Let’s not do anything stupid like that ever again”. Hoseok said. We nodded. If anyone of us were to do something stupid like this, It’d probably be Namjoon.

“Anyways, I’m just gonna get some sleep. That tired me out. Later guys, it was nice meeting you (y/n)”. Namjoon said walking into his apartment. Hoseok and I got up and walked to the elevator.

“Now can you tell me what you were gonna say”? I asked him when we were finally alone in the elevator. He took a deep breath and began to speak. I can’t miss it now!

“I-” The elevator door opened and a man was waiting outside. Well, we’re here, the 4th floor. This is where we get off. We walked out and headed down the hall for our apartments. There were people around, just walking in the halls. AGAIN! I---AAHHHAHGHAAA WHY!? I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT- YOU KNOW WHAT I GIVE UP! I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, 11:46. Now our time together is over, gotta go home. Can’t hear what he wanted to say. I waited outside of my apartment and reached in my pocket for the apartment keys.

“Sorry, I guess I’ll have to tell you tomorrow”. Hoseok apologized. I simply smiled and nodded. I fumbled through my pockets for a few minutes when I realized, the keys weren’t there. I looked at Hoseok with a ‘I fucked up’ face.

“What’s wrong”? He asked.

“There are only one set of apartment keys for my apartment. They were in my pocket...not anymore”. I said on the verge of tears. That could only mean one thing.

“Did you drop them...up there”? Hoseok asked with a trembling voice. I slowly nodded, and my eye began to twitch.

“Can’t you just go ask a janitor or something to just open the door, they always have extra keys”. He suggested.

“If my parents found out that I lost the keys, they would literally kill me. So..we have no choice but to…”. I paused in fear.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you get your keys back”. He offered. And with that, we bolted upstairs, going in 513 once more.

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