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FEBRAURY 01, 2021


Is Death The Key?

I was busy doing my module, when my teacher posted an activity in our google classroom, I immediately checked it and saw an activity, it says. "Do a article about 'how can you prevent drug user's or dealers influence teenager like you to do what they are doing.'" So as a student who really knows nothing about drugs, well not really nothing, I had to search for other article's so that I will have an idea what am I gonna do. But when I was researching, I saw different articles, but only one meaning. They want to give drug dealers and users death penalty, and I object, I may not know anything about the law but I think death is not the key, there are so many drug users who became better after going out of the jail, they change, for good, for their family.

To be honest their more knowledgeable than me. But I must say, I'm more pure hearted then them HAHA, yeah they may be stop drugs from preventing, but dude, how about those people who really wanna change? How about there family who's expecting there love ones to go back home better, but instead of being better, they go home, laying down in a coffin, do you expect them to be happy? No. Because when you really love someone, eventhough he or she is the most baddest person in the world your love for that person will never change, never.

If you're one of the author of those kinds of article, I'm gonna ask you something. Have you ever experience seeing your love one laying inside a coffin? How does it feel? How did that love one of yours died? Accident? Sickness? Suicide? Whatever it is, It's still painful, but come to think of it, how will you feel if your love one died because he or she got a death penalty? If I'm gonna be the one answering that, I would really be mad, because, why?! Why?! Why?! That's the only word, only thing, inside my mind, I wanna ask why? Why did you that? Why dis you kill? Isn't there any solution? I really don't get it, why people like them wanted to kill, those people who got arrested and who is about to enter in jail to pay for there sin, to change, are they bitter? They don't know the word second chance?

What really upset me the most, is them, other politician, police and more more more, I'm not saying all but, others do this, If the drug usser or dealer has money, they will let them go out at the jail, when you don't you'll be stuck in there. I really wanna know why? Because of money? Power? Is that even important? For me, change is much more important, we should treat them all equally. Walang na kakaangat.

Wanna know what I wrote in my article? Ok I'll let you all know.

'Drugs may be in silent because of the pandemic but we should be always aware that drugs are aware that drugs are still in our country, and drug addicts, users and pushers are still recruiting teenagers to do there wrong doings, so me as a teenager come up with a two suggestions on stopping drugs pushers, encourage teenagers like me use drugs.
First, drug effects on person's body and life shoud be known by all teenagers, it should be on tv, newspaper, and social media but some teenagers don't know how to watch news anymore, because they were busy on there phone, they also don't read newspapers, in social media maybe some will read, but also others won't read a long article about drugs, those kinds of things won't get a big attention on teenagers, where do teenagers listen? Oh, wrong question. To whom do teenagers listen? Teachers and parents. Parents should tell them what will drugs do to there body and life if they dare to use it. And teachers should teach them more about drugs. Teenagers should be more well aware about drugs.
Second, lastly, they should let drug addicts and pushers who's in jail, will be in jail forever, some drug addicts and pushers use money to get out of jail, some also have low cout verdict, they will be in jail for only 10 years or more, but drugs addicts and pushers should be treated equally and thats by putting them all in jail forever, so that they won't be able to influence or recruit more teenagers, forever in jail should be a law for those who get caught using and selling drugs.
My advocay is not to let those bad guys recruit good guys to be a bad guys, we shoud do it in a nice way, we can do it without hurting or killing someone.'

Remember one thing honey killing won't fix your problem, killing yourself, killing someone will never be the key for your fucking problem, so If your planning to kill yourself or someone, I'm telling you back off bitch.


/////PHOTO NOT MINE/////

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