Chapter nine

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A few hours later

Dana knocks. "My Lord?"

"Yes, come in, " Tom said, sitting at this desk looking over plans for missions and raids.

Dana enters. "My father wishes for Johnson to stay here tonight, but I need your permission first."

"Who is this Johnson again? Is he a low-rank member that your father wants to train again because he feels sorry for him; and if so why are you asking for him instead of him coming to me?" Tom asking with a tint of Annoyance.

"My son, my Lord..." Dana said with a weird look.

"Oh ok. You don't need to ask me about that. This is Lucius and Severus home as much as it is mine and my family home Dana," Tom said with a small smile.

Dana smiles and goes to Lucius. "I'm going to go home now since he said my baby could stay." She says hugging him and her son goodbye then floors goes home. "I'm home!" She calls Narcissa.

"Good your home. Now we can have some fun?" She said while her eyebrows. Dana looks at Narcissa grabs her and drags her to a part of the manor they never use.

"What are you doing?" Dana asks Narcissa just looks at her and just kept dragging her. Dana was getting worried and getting pissed off. She pulled her arm from her mate's grab and step back. "What the hell is going on? And why did you want our son to go to his grandfathers tonight?"

"She is following my orders, Dana," said Albus walking into the hallway with a smirk on his face.

Dana pulls out her wand and points it at Albus. She also touches the dark mark and sends Tom a message through it. "Get out of my house."

"Why would I do that when I need information on your leader and his family," Albus said in a sweet grandfather voice. Dana screams as Albus grabs her and gives her wand to Narcissa.

"You fucking traitor! I can't believe I trusted you and had a kid with you" She screams at Narcissa who is smirking.

"While money speaks more than love does. Plus I was doing this for us. I want to be on the winning side, not the loser. So I went with the light," Narcissa said with a smirk

"You fucking dumbass bitch! I hate you! I can't believe I let myself love you!" Dana screams as she's dragged off by Albus at the same Tom, Severus, and Lucius and some other high-ranking death eaters come into the manor. Lucius hears his daughter scream and was about to chase after her but Tom grabs him and shakes his head no. As it was too dangerous to go after her with Albus and they did not know who else was here with him.

They fight to get Narcissa in their hands since she is really good at dueling. When they do they take to the Riddle Manor dungeon. Dana screams louder as Tom, Lucius, and Severus are about to go back to question Narcissa. Lucius gives a look to Tom like I have to get my daughter back. Tom nodded his head as he goes through the floo to go back to the manor. Lucius and Severus stayed behind to go after Dana. Tom did not like this but he knows they both really did care about her. He also knows they would be safe no matter what happened.

Albus has already left when they find her and she has wrapped herself in a nightshirt shaking and is bleeding from several different places. She looked like she was in shock. Lucius knows she was not wearing that when she left the Riddle manor a couple of minutes ago. So what the hell happened to his daughter. He tried to get near her but she moved away from him.

"Don't hurt me or touch me please," Dana whispered.

"Princess, it's daddy, I'm not going to hurt you. Can I carry you back, please princess?"

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