Chapter Seven

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Draco wakes up to Harry asleep snuggled up to his side and both of their parents asleep in separate beds as well as another empty bed. He looked down at Harry and smiled and patted his hair. He missed his little raven and loved him so much.

Harry wakes up a little. "D dray?" He mumbles.

"Yes, Har?" Draco said in a weak voice.

"Do y y you l l love me a a again?"

"I always love you Hades. Even if I was being controlled and poison. I love you so much," Draco said with a small smile.

Harry snuggles to him. "I l l l love you d d d dray." Draco kissed his forehead and closed his eyes. He still felt weak and in a lot of pain still. But he was happy to have Harry by his side and still loved him even though he was so mean to him for two weeks and made him keep so many secrets about me being mean. He felt like a bad mate and a mad friend.

Harry falls back to sleep whimpering feeling his pain. James woke up to see that Draco was awake. He got out of Tom's hold on him and went to Draco and Harry. "How are you feeling Draco,"

"Bad. Everything hurts." Draco says as Harry holds his stomach.

"Shh. You need to stay calm ok. I will move Harry and I will get a healer so he can check on you ok Dray," James said picking up Harry and moving him to Tom. Then James left the room to get a healer. Harry whines loudly in Tom's arms. Tom woke up and pulled Harry close to him. He knows Harry was feeling Draco pain and wanted to help.

Harry wakes up whimpering. "Papa." He whimpers in pain.

"Sshh, You will be fine. You cant be Draco right now. He is in a lot of pain and he can't have you laying on him trying to make him feel better," Tom said being Harry to his chest. Harry falls asleep again sniffling, clinging to him.

For the next three days, Harry did not leave Draco side whatsoever. When Draco was ok to go back home. Harry would sleep in Draco bed when his parents put him to bed in his room. He felt like Draco needed him more than ever right now. Draco looked down smiles, loving his raven's determination to take care of him.

Two weeks have passed and Tom started Draco training again. Draco was in Tom's office with Harry since he refuses to leave his side. Tom wonders what will happen when it is time for Draco to go to one of the wizarding school. How will Harry handle that or will they have to hold Draco up a few years so they can go together. But then again they will have to worried about that later when it comes up.

Tom was teaching Draco parseltongue. So he could talk to Harry perfectly and also learn some powerful spells. Harry watches them intensely, giggling when Draco messes up on saying easy words. Harry would also try to help also but would only giggle when Draco said the wrong thing or something else when he tries to talk.

Harry blinks when Draco calls him a 'bad' word (jerk) and looks at his papa who is laughing his ass off. Harry sticks his tongue out at him and Draco. Then Harry called Draco a bad name (bitch) too and walked out of the room and into his bedroom.

"Harrison! Get back in here!" Tom yells.

"What did Harry just call me," Draco asked looking confused

"Something a child shouldn't say," Tom said looking pissed off. "Stay here I will come back and we will continue the lesson."

Harry looks at his papa when he comes into his bedroom. Harry was sitting on his bed reading a book. He did not want to deal with his papa or Draco right now. He was mad at both of them but his papa is in his room madder than he has seen his papa.

"Harrison you are in big trouble I hope you know that young man," Tom said standing in front of Harry. Harry ignores him and continues reading. Harry was too mad to respond to his papa, he did not care if he got in trouble whatsoever. "Harrison I am talking to you,"

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