Chapter 11

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Later, Dana silently walks in and looks at everyone, as though she was looking for someone. "Johnson?" She mumbles after a few minutes.

James woke up and look around the room until he saw Dana looming for her son. He got up and went over to her. "He is on mine bed, Dan. He has been a good boy all night. Sleep like a through out the night,"

She turns and goes to her so to find him curled up on Alex's chest. She stares at them then turns around as Severus comes up behind her.

"Are you ok?" Severus said sounding worried. She looks back at the toddlers.

"It's time to go home." She mumbles.

"You can't go back to the manor. Plus you have no one else to go. The Riddle manor is the safest place for you and your son and my grandson," Severus said.

She doesn't seem to hear him as she goes to Johnson and picks him up. "Mother is waiting." She mumbles brokenly and looking lost.

Severus grabs her shoulders and leads her to the bed where Alex and Johnson were cuddling moments before. She laid down still saying mother was waiting over and over again.

"Lucius!" Severus calls out the door. Lucius came back into the room and over to Dana. He just laid next to her and hold her to him. She rolled over into his chest.

"She needs to see Narcissa," Severus says.

"No, she is not. She is dangerous and that will not help her," Lucius said.

"Let me rephrase that, she needs to see her mate.

"No, she hurt her. Broken my baby," Lucius said in an angry voice.

"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Want mummy." She mumbles. Severus moved Lucius off the bed. He picks her up and started heading to where Narcissa. Lucius was screaming after Severus. "Daddy Sev." She mumbles into his chest.

"Shh, we are going to see mummy for a little bit. You do know mummy did a lot of bad things to you right?" Severus said.

"Yes, I know. But I just want to see her," she said holding on to him tight. She looks at Narcissa as they reach her cell. "Mummy..."

"What happens to my baby," Narcissa said putting her face to the bars.

"There's a baby," Dana mumbles, clinging to Severus.

"What baby Dana?" Severus said looking at Dana.

"In me, I feel it's magic," Dana said looking away from the both of them.

"How did that happen? We had sex in a few months because of Johnson," Narcissa asked. Then she falls down and crying when she finally figured it out.

Dana reaches for her. "Mummy." Severus moved away from Narcissa. He could not still see this woman anymore. Dana struggles again him, crying.

"I did not know that would happen. He just said he would talk to her and make her see his way as he did with me. He said he would not hurt her at all. I promise. Please believe me. I'm telling the truth," Narcissa begging while crying.

Dana stops Severus. "Blood adoption..."

"With who? It will not be with Narcissa. Your father and me will not let this happen," Severus said looking at Dana.

Dana glares at him. "She is the only one allowed to touch me for it to work,"

"She is going to be locked up here for a while or she will be killed. She was a member of my group and one of the higher up members," Tom said leaning against the door of the dungeons.

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