Chapter 20

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Harry and Draco leave the twins with Lucius and go to the castle to bury Lionee. Harry did not want the boys to see their kitty in this bad of shape. Without Harry's magic on her fur turn gray and she was skinny.

Harry tries not to cry as he and Draco help dig her grave. Harry drop the shove and walked into James' arms again. Tom helped Draco digged the grave.

Harry starts to softly cry as Lionee is lowered into the grave. James held Harry knowing this was going to be hard for him. Harry carefully pulls away and puts Lionee's second collar on top of her, "Goodbye my beautiful kitty." He whispers softly. Then he put the first shove off dirty on her grave and walked back inside. He could not take it anymore.

James follows him inside. "Har, come here, I have something for you."

"What is it?" Harry asked looking at his dad.

James hands him a box that looked like a thick picture frame, with Lionee's name on it. "It's a shadow box Peppa helped me make it for you last night, it has pictures of Lionee, her first and last collars, and her first toy in it, I thought you could put it up on your wall in the new house." He explains. "Yes I know about it and no your father doesn't."

"Thank you so much, daddy," Harry said hugging him tight and crying softly.

"You're welcome, baby," James says hugging back. "I'm so sorry that this happened."

"Thank you. I know but she is in a better place now and is not hurting anymore. We are going to the pet shop too for the boys to each get a lion and maybe find a new familiar that will replace her," Harry said wiping his eyes

"Don't try to replace her, Har, it's fine to get a new familiar but don't try to replace her, she loved you so much, and protected you from more than you realize."

"I know but her soul is somewhere and I know this one will be just like her," Harry said trying to calm him down.

"Yes I know, but they aren't going to have her memories, you will have to tell them stories," James tells him and smiles as his own kitten, not a lion, trots to them. "Oh, Har, this is Lulu, I got her yesterday before everything had happened."

"She is cute and will be good for you and papa I think. Is she good for the snakes?" Harry asked picking her up.

"The snakes have been talked to," James tells him.

"My snakes say they are missing the bond they had with Lionee. I also feel like that and the twins miss their kitty and I will get them something," Harry said looking at the shadow box.

James kisses Harry's forehead, then looks out the window. "It appears that your husband is fighting a tree." He says watching draco take his emotions out on one of the trees by punching it.

"He as his own way of dealing with things. It's fine plus he is better at healing spells than I am," Harry said with a small smile.

"How about we go get the boys and have lunch here, then you can go get their lions?" James suggests.

"I don't want to talk with father. He is mad at me for wanting to move and everything," Harry said looking at James.

"Do you want to go back and I can tell Draco where you went?" James said looking at Harry.

"I will get them but you adored the question kind of," Harry said looking at how his father looked.

"You don't have to har, I understand that he's pushy," James said. "I married a pushy man that has been good in some areas and not good in others. But I do want to spend some times with the twins,"

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