Chapter 13

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Harry wakes up in Draco's arms a few days later, whimpering. "Shh, love. I am here and you are ok," Draco said pulling him closer to him.

"Warm." Harry whines, clinging to him.

"You're in heat already. I thought you still have two weeks still," Draco said.

Harry clings to him, whining louder. "Hot Draco."

"I know Love but you know your parents rule. We can't do it until you are sixteen," Draco said holding me close knowing it would help with some of the heat.

 Harry whines and rubs his leg against Draco's. Draco lets him since it's what Harry needs and he is not having sex with him or really touch him. Tom and James said he could touch him to make him feel better this year but he felt like he would get out of control. He did not want to get out of control and make Tom and James made at him.

"Draco, make it stop." Harry whines.

"You know I wish I could but I can't. You just keep on doing what you are doing love. You are doing so good," Draco said rubbing his semi-long less wild hair.

"Draco, please," Harry begs to crawl onto him.

"No. I said no. I do not want to hurt you or make your parents mad," Draco said getting up and leaving the room to get Tom and James.

Harry whines and wraps himself around Dracos's pillow trying to get his scent. Draco told Tom and James what was going on once he found them. They told him to go back to him and they will be there soon. Draco came back and sat on the other side of the room looking at Harry with tears down his face. "I am so sorry Harry. I can't fix this for you yet," Draco said whipping his face.

Harry clings to the pillow whimpering. "Draco..." he whispers.

"I cant Har and you cant come to me ok. If you keep begging me then I will have sex with you and I can't do that to you," Draco said crying harder.

"Draco, it hurts." Harry sniffles.

"I know baby but mommy is here now to help you. Draco will still be here but the wall will be up again," James said going to Harry.

"I need Draco." Harry sobs, in pain.

"Harry you are nine years old. You are too young to have a baby. You also have other problems right now that you can't really deal with right now. You need this and it's ok," James said holding him tight.

"I want Draco to hold me." Harry hissed crying. 

"Draco does not trust himself right now like the other times. He feels your need really hard right now. He feels like if he holds you he will hurt you and have sex with you," James said rubbing his back and kissing his forehead.

"I d d d don't understand," Harry said looking at James. 

"Let's get you in a cold bath. You really hot right now and you did too cool now," James said picking up Harry.

"But Draco." Harry whines.

"Shh, baby. He will be in the room if you like," James said looking at Draco as he heads to the bathroom.

Harry reaches for Draco, whimpering. "Draco." Draco got up and follow behind him. He sat on the floor next to the tub. James put a blindfold on Draco eyes so he could not see Harry naked. Draco wanted this so he would not lose control.

Harry whines wanting Draco to hold him not understanding why Draco and his mom don't want Draco to hold him. Harry got in the cold water. He still wanted Draco to hold him and let him take the pain away. He just wanted that was that so hard to do. Harry put his hand outside the tub so Draco could hold him still in some way. James grabs Draco hand and leans it to Harry's hand. Draco held his hand and kissed it to tell Harry that he is here. Harry giggles lightly as Draco smells him.

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