Chapter four

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Draco looks at his father, hearing the screaming and thumping from down the hall as they were heading to the floo. "Daddy?"

"Yes Dragon," Lucius said, looking at Draco and keeping walking.

"Harry's daddy is hurting." He said as they heard more screaming. Lucius started to walk faster from the door. Draco stared at him wanting an answer.

"No, they are just talking to each other with their loud voices," Lucius said looking at Draco.

"No," Harry said, who was seemingly forgotten in Lucius' arms.

"No, what Harry?" Lucius asked and stopped walking once he could not hear his Lord or Lady screams. Harry whined feeling hungry and smacked his lips and pointed to his stomach.

"Daddy, I think Har is hungry," Draco said looking at Harry. Harry whined and started to wiggle in Lucius' arms. He was getting upset that no one could understand him and that he just wanted food.

"Ok, but I do not know what he can eat. His daddies did not tell me what he can eat," Lucius said more to himself than to the two boys in his arms. Harry started to cry and also his magic started to act up also. Lucius went home to where his daughter and... Narcissa is arguing.

"You know father is happy with Severus then you and the marriage contract that you two had. But it has been fulfilled when you had me. Why can't you just go and leave dad alone to be happy," Dana yelled.

"Don't tell me what to do! I own you!'

"What do you mean you 'own' me?! You don't own me, I can leave whenever the hell I want!"

"Daddy, what is going on with sissy and auntie Ciss?" Draco asked, looking kinda scared.

"Don't worry about it, Dragon. Let's get you two to the playroom and I'll get Harry something to eat."Lucius goes upstairs leaving the two angry women.

"Okay, daddy. Where is papa?" Draco said looking at Lucius.

"He's helping make medicine for Harry so he can feel better," Lucius said walking to the playroom.

"Oh is Harry sick? He does not look sick. I don't want little Harry to be sick," Draco said, looking at Harry, getting worried.

"It's a different kind of sick, Dragon. Harry will be okay. Don't worry too much, okay?" He told the panicking little boy, setting them down in the playroom. Harry was still crying but they were mostly just sniffles now.

Weird smut ahead stop reading if you do not want to read this

Lucius goes back downstairs and freezes at the sight in front of him. When he sees Narcissa forcing their daughter to have sex with her. Dana slowly starts to react to Narcissa and a glow forms around them. Lucius was shocked that his ex-wife and daughter are mates. This was rare and most of the time it is cousins not parents with their children.

"Fuck mummy!" Their daughter moaned as Narcissa's transfigured cock slams into her. Lucius watches them. He could not believe he is watching them make love. This does not seem real to him. "Cum in me mummy!" She cried out, clinging to her mother. Lucius feels himself get hard while he watched them.

"Fuck mummy!" She screamed cumming on her cock. Lucius started touching himself as he watches his daughter cum. She moaned as Narcissa made the cock bigger and kept fucking her. "Fuuuuuck!"

Severus walked upstairs to get something to eat when he sees his stepdaughter have sex with Lucius's ex-wife. Then he sees Lucius watching them and touching his cock. He smirked and walked behind Lucius and kissed his neck and also put his hand down Lucius' pants and boxers.

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