Chapter 19

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Harry hugs him trying to calm himself down. "I'm sorry Dray."

"Shh, I know this is hard on you and it does not help that you are pregnant. The twins will be fine. You know Rosey would love them around since the triples don't play with her as much.

"You're right, they usually do this anyway, but this is the longest we've left th-" Harry hisses getting tired of the English, being cut off by Draco kissing him.

"Get on my back. We have a walk until we get to the treehouse I book for our week here," Draco said kissing him again.

Harry giggles and climbs into his back, kissing his neck. Draco smiled and walk to the treehouse with a house-elf leading them to the place. Once they got to the treehouse he layed Harry down since he falls asleep on the way there.

A little later, Harry wakes up as Draco is reading a book on the chair near the door. He gets off the bed and takes the book from Draco while sliding into his lap.

"Ah someone wants something, don't they. I miss this part of your with child," Draco said kissing his neck and lips.

Harry shifts closer feeling Draco pull his long hair down. "I do too." He whispers.

"It's better when you hiss while you do this. You know I think that is kinky," Draco said against Harry's neck. Harry groans and kisses him hard.

Let's just say they spent all night having fun for the first time in four months. Harry wakes up tangled in Draco's arms and snuggles up to him. "Thank you." He whispers to his sleeping husband. "You gave me a chance and believed in me even when I didn't in myself. You'll never know how grateful I am."

"You always needed me Har. This is what I am here for. Now go back to sleep we do not have our first event until 11 am," Draco said, still sleepy.

"Dray, it's 9, we need to get up anyway and call home, we didn't last night," Harry said kissing his lips.

"Go to the bathroom and clean your hair. I will get the phone ready ok," Draco said getting up and getting ready.

Harry smiles and takes a shower and gets ready. Once he was done and dressed. He sat on the bed getting his hair done. Harry got the phone ready and started the video chat with Severus's phone.

"Hey." He smiles as a sleepy-looking Severus answers."How are the twins?" Harry asked worried about them.

"They calmed down like usual, they should be awake, do you want me to check?" Severus sleepily asks.

"Yea, also are you and dad ok?" Draco asked not liking how he looked or sounded.

"We're fine I just couldn't sleep," Severus says going to find the children. "Tom hasn't stopped bugging me because Lucius accidentally let part of your plans slip."

"What does he think is going to happen. That I would stay at home. I love my papa but he is so controlling and dad is telling me how to do things with the twins. It's driving me up a wall," Harry said in a pissed-off tone.

"Have you said anything to them har?" Severus asks. "And I thought you were going to be taking a trip around the world with the boys, is that still happening?"

"He as tired but they still see him as a clingy person. Yes, we are after we have been married for two months but he is pregnant so I do not know how that will work. I know around seven and eight months he cants floo or apaporate to places," Draco said finishing Harry's hair. 

"That will give us a month to go to the magical places then we can do muggle transportation for the muggle places." Harry tells him, "don't worry I planned for this.'

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