Chapter five

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Four years later

Today is the retest day for Harry since he is five years old. They are on the medical floor of the riddle manor. Severus and Danaa are going to do the test. James as Harry in his lap with a baby king cobra in his hands as he plays with him. Tom is standing against the wall with his arms crossed just waiting to see what this test says. So far nothing new has come up in the three years and he was hoping for four years today.

Also, Severus was able to help Harry a little with his hearing and his right eye. The spell used on Harry could not let him completely heal both areas but at least he can see better with a help of glasses and hear better without muggle hearing aids.

"So good news and bad news my Lord and Lady," Dana says after she does the test. "This will be his last test for about five or ten years. Bad news, he's oversensitive to pain, for example, a small simple cut to us, may feel like a small fracture to him," said Snape looking at the test results.

"That's why he cries and screams like bloody murder when he feels down and other things little kids do," Tom said in a neutral voice.

"It will likely weaken over time but he'll always be sensitive to it," said Dana looking at Tom with a small smile. Hoping to make her Lord happy.

With that everyone starts to go back to their daily activities. "Shouldn't you be going back to your mother?" Lucius asks his daughter.

"I'm sure she'll start to worry," said Severus with a smirk.

"That bitch will be grateful to be sleeping in a bed tonight when I'm done with her." The blonde woman says. " I just found out I am pregnant and she said she used protection. I told her I was not ready having a kid because I still don't like the idea about my mate being my mother,"

The men look at each other, truly scared for Narcissa while Harry was still talking to his snake about Draco. Not really caring about the drama happening right now as he walks to his room where Nagia is waiting for him. But Draco comes running down the hallway with something on his head that is covering his eyes and runs into the wall. "Ow..."

Harry looks up to see Draco on the ground with a white kitten on his head that looks scared. Harry pick up the kitty and started to pet it while looking at Draco. Draco gets up, pretending he didn't just fail at walking.

"H h how d d di did yo you get a k k ki kitty on y y your h h head," Harry asked in a small voice. Looking at the cat in his hands.

"It jumped on me while I was riding my broom and then it dogged its claws into my head and ruin my hair that daddy works on for an hour," Says the grumpy seven-year-old glaring at it. Harry listens to the older boy intently.

"T t th that is n n no r r rea reason to g get m m mad at th th the k k kitty," Harry said as his stutter gets worse when he feels bad for both Draco and the cat but mostly the cat.

Draco looks at Harry and sees him crying while holding the cat. He walks over to Harry and pulls the smaller boy on his lap. Draco runs his hands through Harry's long hair that is in a very loose ponytail.

"What is wrong Hades," Draco asked while trying to calm Harry down.

Harry just keeps on crying with his head in Draco's chest. Harry hisses something, sobbing into his chest. But Draco could not make it out. He was just now learning parseltongue and he was still not really good at it.

Draco thought that he might need James since James is normally the one that can calm him down and help him out. But Tom also helps Harry when his feelings down about himself like his stuttering. Plus now he can't get either one since Harry will not let him get up.

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