Chapter 14

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Harry was in his room seating on his window seat looking at the sky. Then Harry sees the treehouse light up through his window and frowns confused. Why would someone be in there this late? He wanted to know who was in his treehouse. So he went outside to see who was in his treehouse.

Draco has already passed out on what he was writing. He was writing Harry a note saying how much he was sorry and how he will never do that again. He really did love him and everything. He falls asleep on the bed in the treehouse.

Harry climbs up the rope ladder and opens the trap door. The letter falls on the floor as Draco shifts. Harry sits on the floor to see Draco sleeping on the bed with a pen in his hand. Harry walked over to him when he found a note on the floor next to the bed. He picks it up and started to read it.

Draco shifts restlessly. Harry started to cry while reading the note. He could not believe how much Draco really love him. He also read that Draco does make mistakes. Harry looked up to see a tired Draco looking at him. Draco stays silent and watches him, he wasn't ready for him to read that.

"Do you really mean everything you said in this note?" Harry hissed at him.

"I do," Draco says softly.

"I am still mad at you though. You really hurt me," Harry hissed looking at the ground.

"I know," Draco said sitting up in the bed.

"But I miss you and I can't sleep without you," Harry hissed looking at Draco. Draco takes his hand forgetting he doesn't have his gloves on. Harry made a face but took his hand anyway. He let Draco pulled him into the bed and hold him.

Draco summons his gloves and holds him close. He kissed Harry's neck and cuddle close to him. Soon both of them were asleep.

Draco wakes up to Harry snuggled deep into his arms and his face tucked into his neck. Draco smiles and squeezes him. He did not want to wake up Harry but at the same time, he knows their parents would be worried if they were not in their rooms. Draco decides to try to carry Harry down the ladder and into the house without waking him, which was successful despite almost falling on the ladder.

Once inside he walks to his room. It was morning probably seven or eight am so their parents were up getting ready or they were ready and looking for them. Draco was hoping for the first one but when they reach their floor he saw Tom and James running up and down the hallway looking for Harry. Then Tom saw them and run to them.

Draco tries to keep hold of Harry as tom takes him away. "Tom, we made up. We were in the treehouse. I'm sorry I did not mean to scare you and James. I'm sorry," Draco said as Tom starts walking with Harry in his arms.

Draco starts to get upset when Tom keeps walking and looks at James. He takes James' hand and sits him on a window seat and sits in his lap, wanting a good hug.

"I'm sorry. I was stupid and got jealous without knowing and not knowing what to do. I know I made you and Tom mad and I am sorry for that. Please forgive me," Draco said crying into James's chest.

James gathers the small, blonde, alpha into his arms and lets him cry, it was very rare for an alpha to cry unless their mother or mate was present, which shows a connection between him and Draco.

"Shh, Dray. I forgive you. I know you feel bad right now but it will pass. Let's gets you to your dad ok. Tom is probably going wild right now," James said rubbing Draco back.

"As dad not left for his mission yet? I thought papa told me he leaves today?" Draco said whipping his tears from his face.

"Not yet," James said standing up and holding his hand for the eleven-year-old to take. Draco bites his lip as he takes it, wanting to ask a question. "What is it Draco. You look like you have a question?"

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