Chapter 17

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Harry wakes up later in his parent's tent, alone. Harry started to freak out. He did not like being alone and he was in a new place. He gets up and runs outside to see draco yelling at some kids around his age, Harry stays silent and watches.

"Pansy, How many times have I told you I do not like you and I HAVE A MATE ALREADY," Draco said getting mad.

"Dray-" harry says in English trying to calm him down.

"WHAT?!" he snaps, not realizing and first it was Harry. "I'm sorry Har, I didn't mean to snap at you," Draco whispers, pulling him close. "I'm stressing a bit."

"Why?" Harry hissed in confusion.

"We're heading to the battle in like an hour and these idiots don't want to listen and want to do anything but what I say," Draco said looking at Harry.

"Oh ok. Do you know where daddy and papa are? Also are my sister and brother are safe right?" Harry hissed worriedly.

"Your parents are having a quick meeting and see your siblings are at home," Draco said. 

"Ok, what do I do?" Harry asked looking around.

"Just go get in your costume," Draco said in a calm voice.

"Ok," Harry said going back into the tent.

Draco pushes Pansy off of him again. "I swear if you touch me again I will fucking kill you " Draco snaps after Harry leaves.

"The dark prince is just a joke. He is too weak and he can't even talk. Why would you want him as a mate?" Pansy asked looking at Draco.

"What the hell did you just say?" Draco asks dangerously, slowly turning towards her.

"You know what I said Draco. I don't understand why you want a weak mate. I also don't understand why the Dark Lord and Lady even kept him as a kid. The twins and the baby is better than him." Pansy said looking smug. 

"Pansy shut the hell up." Blaise mumbles.

"Make me! My daddy said that most of the members even hate him and question it," Pansy said.

Draco puts his wand to her throat. "Choose your next words very carefully." He all but growls out.

Blaise runs to get Tom, James, and Severus. He knew this was going to be bad and he wanted to get them involved. Draco keeps his eyes sharply locked on Pansy, not backing down. Blaise came running back with the three other adults right behind them. They were pissed at Pansy and even more so at her parents.

"Do you have anything to say?" Draco snaps, pushing his wand hard.

"Why would you care. You can't kill me yet brat," Pansy said spitting in Draco face.

Draco's magic shoots out and Pansy falls to the ground with webs of lightning spreading over her body. Then he turns around to see Tom, James, and Papa looking at him.

Severus pulls him away from the now screaming girl and takes him to Harry, and gently leads Harry into Draco's arms to help calm him. Harry hugged him because he know that Pansy had a mouth on her and probably pissed him off. Harry kisses Draco's cheek, standing on his tiptoes. Severus stands watch at the opening of the tent.

"Why are you not dress yet. I told you to get dress and you did not listen to me," Draco said looking at Harry.

"I I I couldn't find i i it." Harry tells him softly. "I I I just f f found it."

"Go to the bathroom. I will help you with it," Draco said, not very happy at all.

"O o okay..." Harry mumbles not like Draco's tone. Harr walks in the bathroom with Draco behind him with the outfit. He also had terria and some hair stuff with him. Even though Harry had long hair it was still his fathers hair that was weird.

Once lost Now foundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora