Part 56

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Draco POV:
From where I stood, I had a full view of  the Weasley twins and Harry. I knew Astoria couldn't see them yet, but when she paled I got worried. Now seemed like the perfect time for a panic attack. I hadn't researched the topic yet, but it was definitely something I was going to ask about.

"Az?" One of the twins sounded like a lost child. Like he was begging her for it not to be true. Astoria squeezed her eyes shut, dredging up a smile before she turned around.

One twin was stone faced, the other seemed to be questioning everything while Harry looked puzzled.

"Hi guys." My heart nearly broke. She sounded so sad and weary.

I think the one who looked lost was Fred. "You're engaged?"

"To Malfoy?" The other one added.

I don't think anyone could have made me feel like more of a jerk than at that moment. If she was engaged to someone like golden boy Cedric Diggory, or even Neville Longbottom they wouldn't be reacting this way. But because she was chained to me, Draco Malfoy, Slytherin and player extraordinaire, there was a big chance that the closest friends she'd ever had would leave.

I wanted to try and comfort her in some way, but I wasn't sure how she'd respond. If she was going to play it as our parent's fault. If she was going to pretend to hate me. The thought made my heart ache.

"Yeah. Yeah I am." There wasn't an explanation, just confirmation. George's eyebrows rose, while Fred looked more confused. Harry looked as though his brain had simply stopped functioning.

"Why?" She glanced back at me panicking. I tried to seem friendly, but businesslike. Friendly isn't something I've had a whole lot of experience being though.

"Could you clarify the question? We don't exactly understand what kind of information you want to gain from the answer." Fred glared at me, George rephrased the question.

"Why are you two engaged?" There was a pregnant pause.

"I'm a pureblood George. Our families want to keep the pureblood family lines. And.." she hesitated, "my fathers gone broke." This time my eyebrows rose. Mr. Greengrass hadn't seemed poor to me. "The Malfoys are well off.... there are a lot of reasons for the engagement."

Fred's eyebrows were knitted together. "You didn't say anything about you."

I can almost picture Astoria's look. Her head tilted to the side, her brow wrinkled and a small frown of the corner of her mouth. The smallest downturn of those pink lips. I tried to shake my thoughts aside. "I don't understand."

"You didn't say whether or not you were okay with it." George took a step forward, peering down at Astoria. They must have learned that specifics were important. These twins were smart.

She didn't speak for a while. That pause had me on the back of a hippogriff. I felt like I'd slip any minute. And the impact of the fall would be brutal. "I didn't want to get married this young." Astoria spoke slowly, as if carefully selecting her words. "It was upsetting at first, but it hasn't been bad. Truthfully, this school year has been the best I've ever had. And that's in no small part to you guys. But," she glanced back at me before continuing, "this engagement isn't going away. So if this...changes things, I understand."

Fred's face scrunched up a little. "What would it change exactly? Unless we're no longer allowed to badmouth your boyfriend." What did he mean 'no longer badmouth'?! I began to puff up in indignation before I remembered the way I'd been around all the Weasley's. I deflated. Whatever they said, I probably deserved it.

"Fred!" She sounded like a mother scolding a naughty child.

"It's fiancee, actually." George corrected offhandedly. He then looked over at me. "You hurt her, we kill you."

"George!" She seemed thoroughly exasperated. I cracked a smile.


"Draco!" She was whining again. A glance confirmed that she was pouting to.

I scooped her up in a hug before she could protest. She did let out a squeak though. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Yes?"

She glared up at me, her chin on my chest. "Is this really necessary?"

"No. But it is fun." I casually looked around at the people passing by.

"Let me go!"

"Why? They already know we're engaged, and the rest of the world will know before the Holidays are out."

"Just let me go! By Merlin's beard you are impossible!"

"We can get Father's quill first, and then we can get your parent's gifts. Will you guys be tagging along?" I ignored the struggling Astoria. George and Fred looked amused, while Harry still looked lost. "Oi! Potter!"

"What do you want Malfoy?" He snapped, seemingly on reflex. I couldn't help but grin.

"Well that answers one question. Are you boys coming or not?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! You let me go this instant or you will be sleeping on the floor!" I just smirked at her.

The twins reacted at the exact same time."...WHAT?!"

Astoria covered her red face and banged her forehead against my chest. I was laughing wildly in my head, but I compressed it into another smirk.

"You want to answer that one love, or should I?"

All I got was a muffled "I hate you." in response. This time, I didn't bother hiding my laughter.

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