Part 58

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Astoria POV:
Honestly this whole thing had gone much better than I thought it would. Fred and George seemed fine, there was no breaking of friendships or drama. If anything, they were more protective than usual. Draco also seemed much more possessive than normal. I swear, it was like he couldn't go more than two seconds without some form of physical contact.

Harry seemed understandably confused. His brows were knit together more often than not, and he wore an expression of utter bewilderment.

When Fred asked if we wanted to go to the Burrow, my immediate reaction was worry. I wasn't entirely sure about how the people in his family would react. Hermione and Ron would be, somewhat understandably, furious. Mr. Weasley sounded very nice, but Fred and George had told me about their mother's temper. I didn't know much about their siblings. I glanced up at Draco, who was looking at me, waiting to see my reaction. He seemed willing enough.

George jumped in. "You don't have to if you don't want to. We understand." I bit my lip, wavering. If I didn't, I'd seem like a horrible friend. If I did, there was a chance their family wouldn't like me, or me and Draco would do something, and I'd be a horrible friend anyway. Mostly, I was worried about Draco. They Weasley's had no reason to hate me just yet, but he'd picked on plenty of them to give them a bad impression.

I felt his finger brush across my cheek as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "What do you say Greengrass? Ready to see your first Burrow?"

His smile was teasing, his voice a dare. But there was an emotion in his eyes that I readily recognized. An emotion all too familiar to me. Fear. "Are you sure?" It was barely a whisper.

His smile was faint, but a little crooked. "I got you with me."

"Break it up love birds. You coming or what?" Fred and George were in their usual cocky confidence. Harry looked distinctly uncomfortable, and I flushed. I wasn't sure what it looked like from their angle, and I didn't really want to know.

I tried shoving Draco back, but he's about as moveable as a brick wall. Instead, his grip on my waist seemed to tighten. "So help me.." I hissed. "You loosen up or I am using up all the hot water in the house."

He raised an eyebrow. "That would only serve to make our parents irritated." I smirked.

"And who is known for his infamously long bathroom time?" He scowled momentarily before moving on to sulking. He slackened his hold, and I pushed him away easily, laughing.

"Let's roll out boys!" Fred and George smirked.

"M'lady." Fred offered his arm, and I took it.

"Paws off Weasel." Draco's tone was warning, and I could help but smirk.

"See you there ferrett." Being seventeen, Fred disapperated without another word. It took only a few seconds before George apparated beside us with both Draco and Harry in tow.

"That was low." Draco tugged me back, away from Fred. I was still wobbly from the apparition and crashed right into his chest.

"Shove off Draco." I pushed away groaning. "I think you bruised my nose."

"Oi love birds!"

"Welcome, to the Burrow." It was with great dramatics that the Weasley twins stepped aside. The sight before me made me even more nervous.

It was...homey. The original house had had so many expansions mismatched on top of each other, it seemed a bit lopsided, but it looked like a real home. It was maybe the size of one of the Malfoy Manors towers. Slightly bigger than a tower from my own Manor. Instantly, I felt guilty.

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