Part 43

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Draco's POV:
The morning we left, me and Nick met up on the train. We weren't that far apart in age, but we hadn't hung out very much until this year. We both ran the same way. Hanging out with lots of 'friends' and girls. But he was a bit of a social pariah. He had all the charm, but all the bad blood as well. It was no secret that his father was openly scorned by my parents. They blamed his father for the way Aunt Bella had turned out. Something about how if he'd been a better husband she wouldn't have turned out like that.

I thought this was completely ridiculous. Father was a Death Eater too after all. But I think it was Aunt Bella who introduced him. The point was, as much as we like to pretend otherwise, popular families' opinions hold some sway over the popularity of the children. My parents were rich and powerful, so if they spurned the Lestrange's, so too, were the children encouraged to do so. As such, we saw each other little, and spoke even less. Something that had changed these past few months.

We sat together in a compartment. Crabbe and Goyle were staying at Hogwarts, and I'd managed to shake Blaise off for the moment.

I lounged on one side of the compartment, and Nick lazily sprawled on the other.

"I'm curious. Do you think she'll sit with us? Or them?" I didn't have to ask who 'she' was. Narrow minded as it was, there was only one female we discussed repeatedly.

I shrugged. I was worried, though I didn't want to show it. Her parents would be there at the station. If they saw her with the Gryffindors, it could prove to be disastrous. I'd never met her mother, but her father struck me as a human bomb. At the slightest brush, he could explode.

"They still don't know about anything. She could either be making the most of what time she thinks is left, or starting the separation. Either is possible." Soon after we fell silent, we found the topic of conversation outside our compartment door. Hesitantly, she slid it open.

"Hi. Umm, do you guys mind if I sit here?" She had a medium sized suitcase with her, but based on her constantly shifting grip, it was heavy. Nick and I both pulled ourselves up into halfway decent sitting positions. She took that as permission, and set her suitcase down on the floor, before taking the seat on the far end of my side.

"Did you dump the twins?" Nick asked, stretching back out, with markedly more poise.

Astoria nodded distractly, looking down to fiddle with her fingers. They stilled abruptly, as she noticed what she was doing. Instead tucking her hand beneath her legs, she replied verbally. "You could say that."

I studied her with narrowed eyes. "Exactly what did you tell them?" She glanced over at me.

"That I had more gifts to deliver, and that it would be easier if we split up sooner rather than later."

"Gifts to deliver?"

She nodded, and somehow maneuvered it so that she could reach into her suitcase without me or Nick seeing. She came up with two small parcels, wrapped neatly.

"You didn't want to send them by owl?" Nick asked. Astoria shifted uncomfortably, and I shot him a glare.

"I don't have an owl of my own. I figured this would be easier anyway." I doubted it was the truth, but I didn't ask. "Anyway, Nick, this one's yours." Nick held the small gift almost with reverence. I knew it wasn't often he got gifts from people he cared about. A handful of fangirls sent him things, but it wasn't the same as receiving them from a friend.

"Thank you." Astoria gave him an acknowledging nod, and turned to face me.

"I debated whether or not to wait, but I figured it'd be best to give it to you now. This way Nick won't have to die of curiosity." There was some humor and lightheartedness in her tone, but it seemed to mask something a little darker. I raised an eyebrow.

"How thoughtful." She shrugged and looked away. I took the package, making sure to 'accidentally' brush hands. I looked at it curiously.

"C'mon man! We have to open it together, and the suspense is killing me!" The corner of my lip twitched. A bit dramatic, but I began to slowly unwrap the gift. "Wicked!" I caught the smallest glimpse of black fabric and silver thread when my attention was diverted. Nick was already pulling off his school issued Slytherin tie, and replacing it, with a black tie carefully embroidered in bowtruckles. He didn't tie it though, just let it hang like a scarf from his neck.

Slightly more motivated, I dragged my gaze back to the package in my lap. Peeling back the last fold of paper, I was struck silent in shock and awe. A vibrant green eye stared up at me, from the majestic head of a large basilisk, resting on top of its own massive coils. The scales individually embroidered in silver, it was one of the most stunning representations of the creature I had ever seen. I couldn't help but wonder if it meant something, a normally hideously projected monster, made into a beautiful and powerful king of snakes. I pushed the thought away. I'm just being ridiculous. Philosophy is best left to cheesy people and old saps.

My attention was again torn by another outburst from my cousin. "You made this?!" I looked over to Astoria who seemed a bit embarrassed.

"No. I um, got someone else to draw the designs. And I have this magic needle that did all the embroidery. I didn't actually do anything besides buy the materials and thread the needle."

"Don't sell yourself short." She looked over at me when I spoke. Glancing down at the tie in my hands I added, "They're gorgeous."

"What animal did you get?" Nick asked, craning his neck to try and get a peak. I chuckled a bit. Sometimes I wondered if he really was older, or if it was all just a lie. I lifted the tie up slowly, trying to draw out his pain before turning it around. He whistled in mild envy. "You win."

"Of course I do. It is only natural after all. I am royalty, whereas you," I gestured to him, "are a peasant."

He scoffed, Oh sure. We're related you prissy prince. Besides, your forgetting about the other royalty in the room." We both swiveled to look at Astoria, who finally appeared comfortable in own skin again.

"What? Me?"

"You didn't know?" Nick seemed baffled. "You're the mysterious Slytherin Princess. Every house has it's chosen royalty you know. There's Potter, and was it Granger? Or the Weaslette? Anyway, those two from Gryffindor. Cedric and some timid thing from Hufflepuff. I can't remember Ravenclaws Prince, but I hear Looney Lovegood and Cho Chang are contestants for Princess. You and Draco are Slytherin royalty."

She winced slightly. "But a princess? Really?" I remembered what she had told me earlier when I had called her that, and rushed to correct her.

"You know, whoever the house likes best. It can be for popularity, family or personal fame, looks, grades... there's tons of reasons why each person could be chosen."

She sighed, before visibly pulling herself together. "I suppose it's an honor. But I'm fairly sure Draco wins, as Prince's generally have more power."

I smirked over at Nick, and moved my hand into a you see? Gesture. He rolled his eyes at me before glancing over at Astoria again.

"Then I suppose it comes down to the hold the princess has over said prince." It was his turn to smirk as I scowled at him. "What's wrong Dray, you're gonna get wrinkles." He said, batting his eyes in mock innocence. I only glowered deeper.

A small giggle sounded, and both me and Nick turned to look at Astoria. Her hand was clamped over her mouth, but her eyes twinkled in obvious amusement.

"Apologies, Your Majesty." She had recovered enough to remover her hand, but her eyes still sparkled with mirth. I normally wouldn't have complained, but the combination of these two seemed to bring out the most childish side of me.

We spent the rest of the ride to King's Cross that way. Me and Nick ribbing at each other with Astoria occasionally chipping in. I couldn't help but think it was a necessary breather, as the Holiday's loomed before us.

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