Chapter 18

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It had been a week or so since Janel and I had any form of sexual activity. I think she was giving me a break, since I pretty much had a sissy boy breakdown after what little stuff we finally did one day.
I was beginning to wonder if she'd ever touch me or let me touch her again. But I took it well. I was kind of happy, actually. Because even though Bonnie had set my mind straight, I still had to get my mind in that straight mode. So I had NO problem with Janel not molesting me every time I came near her.
Even though I wanted her to. GOD, I wanted her to!
I was getting worried though, that maybe I scarred her and messed her mind up about sex.
I figured I'd just wait a little bit longer, then have a talk with her. I would have done it sooner, but I didn't want to seem like I was being impatient. This was all so confusing. If only I had my mind straight before it all.

Bonnie set Janel's mind straight too, after she talked to me that day when I broke down. She told Janel my point of view, and tried to get her to understand it. I think Janel had a better idea now of why I wanted her to wait a little while.
And Bonnie took her to a doctor and got her birth control pills. Janel had started taking them, so this was a good sign, at least. It meant she was PLANNING to have sex in the future, right?
Ohhhhh....maybe Janel thinks we can't do ANYTHING until the pills kick in after 3 months? Maybe that's why she's not touching me.
Sure, we kiss and hug. But she keeps it simple and clean.
And we're getting along great, still......

I was in a shitty mood today, because I had to go to France for an award show later on.
I wasn't able to take Janel yet. I'll be there for 3 days, and I'm miserable about it. Sometimes I want to just keep what money I've made (a good few million already) and just give up the limelight, and be a normal person again, and be with Janel.
But I know I'd be unhappy that way, eventually.
I want to make music. And I want people to hear it. And like it. And make their own memories around my words. I like that.
I just want Janel at my side at all times. And soon, she will be.
Until then.....I'll miss her for the next 3 days.
Bonnie said she'll stop by every day to see how she is. Even invite her to her own house, maybe have dinner with her and her kids. Maybe they'll go out shopping. Girl time.
I think this is a great idea.

Janel was still asleep. We stayed up late last night, cuddled on the couch, watching movies. It was a crappy, stormy day, so it was the perfect cuddle day. And cuddle we did.
Oh, did I mention I haven't had a wank in a week? This has gotta be the longest time I've ever been without an orgasm since....age 12 or something? It's crazy.
I'm myself a break. But the past few days, I feel like this might not be a good idea. I might just be making myself a giant, human firework, ready to burst at any second. We'll see.
I sort of wanted to see what it was like to be Janel, I guess. Be sex starved, so I can better understand how she feels.
Yep. I'm understanding how she feels, alright!! I get it. Ohhhhh I get it.

I made Janel some breakfast and brought it in to her in bed. She should really get up now, or she'll feel like shit.
We ate in bed, and laughed a lot this morning. It was nice. A perfect last morning before I go later today.


When Ian's manager came to pick him up for the airport, I had to pretend to be peppy and happy, so I wouldn't make Ian sad to go, or worry about me. I mean, I didn't have to fake happiness with him at all. It was just the leaving part that was making me horribly sad in the back of my mind.
We said our goodbyes, gave our hugs, had some long kisses, and I'm so wimpy when he goes, that I let out a few tears. Which made his own eyes water up as well. I hate making him cry! So I tried to keep it all controlled.

Bonnie picked me up an hour later, and I had dinner at her house, with her kids and a few of their friends. Her kids are fun to hang out with. I learn a lot of slang from them. I learn how to be hip and act my age. I've started saying "yeah" instead of a proper "yes", along with lots of other little things.
Not that I'm trying to change myself....their catchy funny sayings just catch on to me sometimes.
My recent one is "bae" and "doe".
Ian hates them, so I use them as much as possible, just for spite. He started tickling me everytime I'd say those words, and even though being tickled....tickles, I find I don't like it that much. I don't like the out of control feeling, and the laughing so hard that I can't catch my breath if he tickles me too long.
So having told Ian that, he uses that as his secret weapon when I do silly spiteful things to annoy him.
It's seriously curbed my "bae" and "doe" usage, I have to say. Touche' to him! Brat.

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