Chapter 26

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The room was dark, I could tell when my eyes flickered open and closed. I was tired. Really really tired.
And my throat hurt. It burned, actually. That was SOOOOO painful, having that damn tube shoved down my throat. And being in the hospital had given me a flashback, which made me panic, and everyone trying to help calm me down only made it worse for me. They didn't know how to do it right. They didn't know ME. They didn't know I was getting "taken" by memories of "monsters" that hurt.
They eventually gave me a shot and that was all I remembered for a while. But I woke up a little ago, and a doctor told me all about what happened to me. After he got done his entire explanation of all my tests and stuff, finally he was done talking. "Ian? Where is Ian?" was my response.
The doctor actually laughed at me." Well, I guess you're feeling ok then?"
I just looked at him. Waiting for his answer.
"Ian. Right. He's on his way. He will be here soon, from what I hear. For now, the guy who came here with you, Stanley, is waiting just outside the door. Do you want him to come back in? He was here waiting while you were still out." the doctor told me.
Stanley was outside the door? He came with me here?
"Ok. Thank you." I told him. And he left. A second later, Stanley came in and stood at the bed looking down at me. "Whole lotta shit tonight turned out to be, innit?" he said to me.
And then he reached down and took my hand in his. "I'm glad you're ok, Janel. You nearly gave me a heart attack....and Ian....he nearly took down Sandra's entire house, from what I hear."
"What????? What did Ian do? Where is he? Is he ok?" I asked, talking so fast I could barely understand myself, also because my voice was rough and croaky and dry.
"Ian's fine. He got a little mad, broke a few things...maybe even his hand....but I've been texting with some people from the party, and he's here somewhere in the hospital. Probably the ER, getting his hand stitched up. He really cares about you, missy. His heart was torn in two tonight. I've never seen him like that before. And I saw him while he went through breaking up with his ex girlfriend...the one he wrote that entire album about? He wasn't in good shape then, but now? This was 10000 times worse. Poor lad.............BUT, you're ok. And that's what matters. I'm happy you're ok. You've gotta be the nicest girl I know. You sure didn't deserve this."
I had so many questions, but I couldn't ask any of them. I couldn't think. I could'nt speak.
Poor Ian. Oh my God, Ian. What he must have been going through! He's usually searching for every possible thing that could go wrong, and then this all happened! He probably feels guilty about not being able to help me. Or not being able to stop it all before it started......
I couldn't stand the feeling of what Ian must have been feeling. And I burst out crying.
I could barely breathe after a few minutes of crying so hard. Stanley was bent over, hugging me the entire time. Since the first tear rolled down my cheek. He was a nicer guy than I had known he was.
I knew he was a good guy. I could see the extra lengths he'd go to all the time for Ian. I could see how much he cared. He was a good friend to Ian. I'm sure they'd been through a lot together.
Stanley held me and rocked with me as I cried myself back to sleep. I felt him pull the covers up on me, and I heard him sit in the chair next to the bed. I mumbled "Thank you Stanley". And then I was out. I wanted to sleep, to put myself out of misery, thinking of Ian's misery.

Next thing I knew, Ian was hovering over my hospital bed. Oh Ian. It was the best sight to see.
My eyes were sort of stuck shut with salt that dried as I cried to sleep earlier.
"Iannnn" I cried, and held out my arms for him and sat up.
"Janel.......oh God, Janel. I'm so sorry. I'm sooo sooo sorry baby." Ian cried on my shoulder, as I cried on his.
"Don't be sorry Ian. It's not your fault. And I'm ok. Please, don't feel bad anymore." I told him.
"Baby, I should have been there. I should have noticed. I should have carried you out of that room...I got the entirely wrong idea, and I was mad at you! I was fucking MAD at you! I didn't know!! I didn't KNOW! heart was breaking into a million tiny pieces, thinking you did that willingly! I thought you cheated on me! And I was so fucking sad, Janel. That hurt like pain I've never known. Pain I couldn't even describe", he told me into my shoulder, "Baby....I thought I lost you. And then when I realized what were already gone in the ambulance.....and I lost it all over again....he hurt you....he drugged you....I didn't want you to ever hurt again...ever...I'm so glad you're alright're so strong...I know you'll be ok......and now I regret making you wait....making US wait.....I should have listened to you, and just made love to you long ago. Because now he took it. He stole it..." Ian cried harder now. Actually sobbing onto my shoulder. Shaking my body with every horribly sad, whiney sob. "It's gone. And it wasn't how it should have been. And it wasn't taken with's just....gone. I'm so fucking sorry Janel. We'll do it right. I'll show you how it's supposed to be. I promise...."
I stopped him there. "What's gone? What are you talking about? Do WHAT right? I'm lost now." I said.
He looked up from my shoulder, and his eyes were like two pools, overflowing. His cheeks were so soaked, I wondered what my shoulder looked like. His entire face was red and just.....WET.
"Your virginity. He stole it. After all you've been through in life. After all that time. We were so close, and he stole it from you. He stole it from me....." Ian cried, with his head down now.
"What? No! Ian! He didn't steal my virginity! He didn't!" I told him.
"Yes he did. I saw you. On his lap. Legs spread. His pants were down. Your dress was half off, covering the rest..."
"Ian!" I grabbed his shoulders now, and shook him until he looked me in the eyes. "He did NOT take my virginity, Ian! I promise! They checked me! I'm still a virgin! They said there was no sign of penetration! Nothing. Anywhere! I promise you, Ian. He did NOT enter me at ALL!!"

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