Chapter 13

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Bakugo's POV

It didn't take so long till we got to the hospital, the nurses rushed out of the ambulance and took Kirishima away, but of course I, didn't leave his side.

They said I can't see him cuz they'll put him under surgery..
I was waiting in waiting room, alone with my thoughts, it was my fault wasn't it? if I didn't hurry and save him, if I protected him.. nothing of this shit could have happened.. but no, I'm so damn weak to even protect my only friend.. now he's gone, well practically not gone but still...

I look up to see doctors running in and out from a door, they all have the same expression, 𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘪c. something is definitely wrong– I see a doctor running out probably to get some more nurses and yelling, "we're going to lose him! "

It felt like everything stopped, like everyone stopped moving... no way.. I can't lose him, I CAN'T LOSE KIRISHIMA!!!

I stood up and ran to one of the doctors asking what the fuck is happening inside, he just stared at me for a few seconds before replying. "The patient is loosing a lot of blood and his heart is starting to get weak, if we don't save him now we're gonna lose him"
I exhale sharply before nodding then walking back to my seat.

Just don't leave me eijiro.. I still need you.. I still love you...

what am I saying-?


Do I really l love him that much..?
fuck it, just wait till he's fine and awake.. I'll fucking make him mine, but now, let's focus on Kirishima being safe and healthy.

3rd POV:

Since the doctors started the surgery, bakugou was thinking about everything that happened to them, he almost lost his crush, and he couldn't do anything but he decided to no think of that for kirishima's sake.

Kaminari, sero, mina and jiro walked up to katsuki and sat next to him asking him how is he. Bakugou gave them the look of 'are you serious, he's dying and y'all asking me how am I feeling? ' they all looked down, mina started crying, jiro comforting her, kaminari and sero both hugging each other and trying not to cry as well and bakugou was drowning in his thoughts...

How is kirishima? Is he doing okay? Are the doctors treating him well? Is he awake? Is he dead? No no no he can't be dead come on katsuki you can't think like that, I'm sure he's gonna be just fine! Yeah... Yeah... I know it, he can't leave his friends.. He's can't leave me

They sat in the waiting room, waiting and praying for their redhead to be okay, 15 hours of them waiting, well kaminari and sero went back to the dorms to let the others know that kirishima will be okay, hopefully.
And mina and jiro went outside to the hospital's garden to take a fresh air, and bakugou, well, bakugou didn't move from his seat he didn't even move from the position he was in when he first sat down.

He was resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands thinking.
He didn't even hear the doctor call for him, until he heard his name being called.
He looked up to see jiro, with a doctor.
"Are you okay sir? I think you need some rest" The doctor said politely and worry was written on her face.

"Yeah I'm alright, but what about kirishima? Is he still alive? "
The doctor looked at jiro and kyoka just sighed making the blonde even more panicked.
"What? What happened to him?! Is he alright??! "
He stood up as quick as possible and looked at them waiting for an answer.
"Yes yes sir he's alright, he's not dead don't worry, but now you have to take care of yourself, he's fine now okay? "

"No no I need to see him, I'm sure he wants to see me as well! "
"Bakugou." Jiro said in a sharp tone. Bakugou looked at her and she sighed.

"Kirishima... He's in a coma. "

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