Chapter 20

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The next morning, the two boyfriends got up and did their morning routine, one of them being really excited for the day, and the other have no idea what's the date.

Today is a special day for a certain red hair, bakugou smiled at the thought of his boyfriend's birthday, and he was more excited that the Eijiro doesn't even know what's the day.

kirishima yawned and went to the bathroom after saying a good morning to his boyfriend, meanwhile, bakugou was deciding on what he's gonna do to surprise the boy.

He already told his classmates that he's gonna make a party for the redheaded boy, and happily all of them agreed.

               ༄ؘ  Flashback to the plan.

"So listen up fuckers"
Bakugou cleared his throat as he began to talk.

"About a week from now is gonna be kirishima's birthday. We're gonna prepare a party for him, any thoughts? "

Mina raised her hand, and bakugou rolled his eyes.
"so I was thinking, what if we like- kidnap him while he's outside, then bring him here then BOOM, SURPRISEEE! "
Mina and uraraka giggled at the thought, but it was a no no for bakugou.

"what the hell? you do realizethat he got kidnapped before right? what if we do that and he start panicking? What if he thinks the league of villains kidnapped him again? not good plan pinky, so take out of your mind. "

Mina pouted but understood.
Then Midoriya raised his hand, which made bakugou hiss.

"So i-I was thinking... maybe we should make him go out with you Kacchan, since he's more c-closer to you.. And we prepare everything here.. then you two come back and we surprise him..? "

"that's.. I don't waannna say this, but that's actually a good plan. You did good Deku."

"t-thanks Kacchan!! "

"whatever, so that's what we are gonna do, I'll take kirishima out to a near park, and y'all prepare the decorations and the cake. I want this to be perfect or I'll explode this place. Understood?. "

"YES! "
They a yelled smiling brightly.

               ༄ؘ End of flashback.

Katsuki smiled more, as the redhead got out of the bathroom smiling at his boyfriend.

"what's with the big smile kats? "

"uh nothing, just thinking"

"about what? "

"Do you want to go out later? "

"oh yeah sure, I don't have plans for today"
Bakugou stood up from the bed and went to his boyfriend kissing his lips softly.

"Alright, let's go eat some breakfast"

"that sounds nice"

The two changed into normal clothes then left the room and went to the kitchen.

Denki waved to the two boys, as he and the rest of the bakusquad were eating breakfast.

"what's up man"
Kirishima smiled and waved back.

"Dudeeee you don't have any ide-"
before kaminari could finish his sentence, mina and sero jumped on him making him shut up, and on the other hand bakugou was trying his best not to jump and kill the idiot.

But he managed to calm his  anger.
"come on Kirishima, we're going to a restaurant to have breakfast there. "

"uh- okay? "

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