Chapter 18

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   (TW:  This chapter contains suicidal thoughts, blood and more blood.                              . . .
   Tossing, turning, groaning..Gasp...
Kirishima shot up from bed with eyes full off tears, a racing heart and sweat dropping from his forehead. 

Ugh, another nightmare. It wasn't new thing anyways.He started having nightmares since the day he was back to the dorms. It was always about his 'father'..Every night he would have 3 or 4 nightmares and that only made him very tired due to the luck of sleep. 

He just couldn't sleep, it was really hard to sleep after a very bad nightmare. Kirishima sighed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and the tears that fell down his face. He hated this so much,  he wanted to scream! To cry his eyes out! To- To just feel free from this cruel world...But he couldn't, he was meant to suffer. His life was meant to be as depressing as it is right now.

He sighed once again and got out of bed, making his way to the bathroom.
As he opened the door he was met with his reflection. A reflection of a weak stupid guy.

And for the first time in a while he heard those voices again, the voices of the people he likes the most.
The voices of his friends. And his katsuki.

They were all calling him names..such as 'stupid'  'weak'  'useless'...
He was sick of it. It always got him. He is so weak and fragile isn't he?

'Just end this stupid life of yours'  'You think your katsuki and your friends as you call them cares about such a nuisance and an annoying boy like you? '  Damn those voices never shut up, but they are always right who is he kidding.

He decided to move his hand and open the cabinet after a good 2 minutes of staring at his reflection.
And there it was. His favorite sharp Razor..

He knew he shouldn't do this, 'cuz katsuki will know sooner or later.. but he couldn't help it, it just made him forget about everything..
So without hesitation, he started cutting.











He only stopped when he heard his alarm go off. 
He wiped his tears that he didn't know it was there, and cleaned the place from the red liquid that was dripping from both his hands.. It hurts, but he liked the pain. He  𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥 it.
he got out from his bathroom and checked the time to find it 6:50am.
He sighed as he realized he stayed the whole night in the bathroom cutting and hating himself.

So he got his uniform and brushed his teeth not bothering to do his hair. He just wasn't in the mood to do anything. He didn't want to go to the school, but he didn't want people to ask him questions. He just wanted to stay alone for the rest of the day.
wait, maybe he can pretend to be sick? Maybe he can call Aizawa and tell him he was sick so he doesn't go to school?
oh well then, that's what he was gonna do.
He picked up his phone, and called Aizawa.

"h-hello Aizawa-sensei" He coughed to make him sound like he was really sick and to his luck Aizawa believed him and let him stay in the dorms to 'get better'.

Baku'z POV:

Where the fuck is Eijiro? He didn't open his door and he didn't come to Fucking school! I don't want to admit it but im damn worried now.. Fuck this shit I'll check on him after school.

Aizawa walked in- technically he rolled in, and told us that eijiro called sick, so he won't come.
The damn lessons were so boring,  I mean it always was boring but without my red haired boy it's more than fucking boring.

3rd POV: (it's easier this way :') )

After a long day at school, katsuki gathered his books and went straight to the dorms, making sure to take food with him to eijiro, because he knows if Kirishima is sick he won't come out of bed, so he figured he didn't eat the whole day.

He sighed as he went to his own room first to put his backpack, and somehow he found it unlocked, he opened the door to be surprised by a boy with red hair sleeping soundly on his bed.
He smiled slightly, as he walked slowly to the side of the bed.

He then crashed down in front of the redhead and pecked his lips softly, making eijiro open wake up from his beauty sleep.

"Hey there sleepyhead"
Katsuki smiled and put the tray of food on the nightstand.

"Oh hey kat.. What time is it? "
Kirishima got up and rubbed his eyes.

"It's almost 4pm"

"Oh.. "
Is what the red head managed to say.

"so. How are you? Getting any better? You were perfectly fine yes, how did you get sick you didn't even go outside after your shower. "
Katsuki sighed as he rubbed circles on his boyfriend's back, knowing something happened and the redhead is not in the mood to tell him about it.

But he was wrong actually, because kirishima for the first time, told him what happened without lying or anything.
And that confused the redhead.

"Well, actually, I wasn't sick. I just didn't feel well mentally.. So I decided to stay in the dorma today.. Sorry"

Bakugou sighed and kissed the redhead's forehead.
"It's okay Ei, and thanks for telling me.. And I assume you didn't eat all day huh? You lazy idiot! Come here say ahh! "

Kirishima laughed at his boyfriend as he tried to lighten up the mood.

"You sound like you're moaning"

"Wha- FUCK YOU CAN'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT EIJIRO!! " and with that, katsuki was as red as kirishima's hair, and maybe more if that was possible, which made kirishima laugh.

"Awe I was just kidding you idiot! Now now calm your tits babe, you look like a tomato. "
he giggled as he took the tray of food and started eating.

"Hey, do you wanna go out later? "

"Wike where-? To da pwark or to Twain? "
Kirishima asked with a mouth full of food.

"Finish what's in your mouth then talk idiot, and no we're going to eat dinner in a restaurant tonight, like a date, like I prefer to call it.

" Awww my boyfriend is taking me on a date!! How cute! Might as well go prepare myself right? "
The redhead laughed and kissed his boyfriend.

"Yeah yeah whatever I'mma pick you up by 6pm sharp. I don't care if you're ready or not. Now go before I do something nasty. "
He smirked.

"Pfft- alright alright you dirty boy, I'll see ya later. "

And with that kirishima went to his room to prepare himself for his date tonight, and actually forgetting about his sad and depressing life, because he knows when his boyfriend walks in his miserable life, he makes it 100time better..
That's why he love him so much.

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