Special Chapter

126 11 9

It was one of the spring days, flowers where everywhere to be seen around campus, and green trees were surrounding the place with such beautiful colors.

Class 1-A were chilling in the common room since it's spring break. They decided to just relax and forget about school work for at least this day.

The Bakusquad decided to go out for the day and enjoy their freedom without any stress. They went to the mall, ate at a nice looking restaurant, bought ice cream, then went back to campus.
It was a great day for them. They enjoyed their time together.

The night has fallen, and the class made dinner, well mostly bakugou because he didn't want anyone to mess up his holy kitchen or whatever, he loved cooking it was his best hobby. And he didn't want anyone to help him or be near him when he was cooking.. well anyone but Kirishima of cnourse. I mean he's his boyfriend what do ya think?

Bakugou made some fancy food for everyone. A special meal as he called it. He sat down the food with the help of Kiri then called his 'extras' to eat.
After they all ate and thanked bakugou for the great food.

It was midnight. Everyone was sleeping... actually everyone but one red haired boy.
Kirishima was wide awake. He was on his phone reading.
What's he's reading you're asking? Well he discovered a new app.
it was called "Wattpad" He didn't know know what was this app about but then he figured it was an app when you can read stories both online and offline.
He didn't really know what to read. but then he got an Idea.. Since he and bakugou's relationship is public, they tons of fans. They called them "Kiribaku" well mina was the one who came up with the ridiculous name then posted it on her Instagram saying that Kiribaku is the best ship ever.

And that's what the idea Kiri thought about. He typed "kiribaku" and to his surprise, he found more than 10k stories.
He giggled silently at the amount of stories he found.
He scrolled through them till he found an interesting one it was called "Get used to wake up at 4am"
And when he read the topic his face light up and he started reading.

The next day Kiri barely got any sleep. He stayed up all night reading the story he found. He found it really good and sad at the same time, it made him emotional to the point he cried over some parts.

By the time he finished the 30th chapter it was 11 am. Bakugou didn't see Kirishima all morning. And being the good boyfriend he is, he went to check on him.
He knocked on the door twice.
And that's when his precious eijiro opened the door looking all tired like he haven't had any sleep for days.
"what the fuck? you look like shit Ei what the hall happened? are you sick or some shit? " Katsuki stared at his boyfriend before he heard his chuckle.
"nah I'm okay man. I just didn't sleep all damn night. "
Kirishima rubbed his eyes walking back to his bed and under his blankets.
"And why the fuck didn't you sleep? You could've came to me of you couldn't sleep you know? " Bakugou was confused to why he stayed up all night in the first place.

"well, it's not like I couldn't sleep. I just found something really interesting that made me stay up all night. "
Eijiro said while taking his phone to show bakugou what he was talking about.
"you know, I found this new app named " Wattpad"
you can read stories in it. And I found a good story so it distracted me from sleeping. "
He explained as he went back to reading.

"that's uh that's good I guess? Reading is good for ya to know new vocabulary. Anyways give me my kiss and when you're done come down for lunch. "
Kiri giggled as he gave his needy boyfriend his morning kiss then bakugou left him alone.

It was now 1pm. And still no Kirishima. Bakugou was mad at his boyfriend for not coming down so he decided to take a tray of food for him then scold him.
When he entered the room he found his redheas crying his eyes out.
And bakugou now was worried. He quickly walked to him and placed the plate on the nightstand then looked at Kirishima asking what happened.

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