A possible solution?

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                        "Remember Ladyluck? You almost lost your role of a hero. Give this person the revenge. Make sure he regrets even messing with you!" Those words pushed Ladyluck to her limits as she stood straight in front of Adrian wondering what to say next. "Adrian." Just the sound of his own name made him realize, his identity is revealed. "Adrian." She called again. "If you want to end all of this then give get me a person to akumatize so I can turn back time and make sure you won't ever reveal my identity!" "No!" he yelled back.

                         "Ok. That means...................... You won't ever get it back!" Adrian ran away to his house and hid in his room while Ladyluck kept on roaming Paris. "I need to save her Plagg!" "But how Adrian?" Those words didn't let him have peace until he decided to follow Ladyluck to her house and steal the miraculouses. He made a plan with Plagg and sucessfully completed it.  After getting all the miraculouses he had to find a good way how to use them.

                     (Plagg didn't disappear until the cat ring helped Ladyluck transform.) He thought of gathering all the heroes of Paris and come up with something together. And that's what he did. He brought Alya, Chloe and Nino. Once they all gathered they started thinking of a plan. Out of all the plans they came up with, one seemed to work the best. The plan they came up with was a plan about having Alya make a fake Adrian by the fountain in the park. Then Nino would appear after Ladyluck figured out Adrian wasn't there and distract her while Chloe helped Adrian get to Ladyluck and get his miraculous back.

                                   Then they would've used his catoclysm to destroy ladybug's earrings and save Paris.


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