I need to stop them before they do!

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                                      Sarah locked the door behind her and fell on to her bed with her keys from her room in her hands. It was a long way from Shanghai, China to Paris, France and she had to get enough rest before starting her job. 

                                                             *A couple of hours later*

                                        Sarah woke up with a feeling she was asleep for a couple of weeks, but when she looked up at her phone that was in her purse, it was only 1:00 pm and it was the same day as when she was awake and she met that cute, little blue - haired girl. She sat up and picked up a remote control that was lying around in the bed she was at, scrolling through the different channels that were available. She skipped every single one, until she stopped at one that was talking about the news in Paris. She turned the volume up and heard this, "Chaos is happening around town and mysterious robberies and sceneries, everyone thinks it's the new villian that our heroes Ladybug and Cat Noir still hasn't defeated. But is it really or is it just bad weather? Where is Ladybug and Chat Noir when we need them the most?" 

                                              After that she muted the TV and crossed her arms putting up a grumpy face. "Our heroes, oh, really? You know what? They're actually the ones that let this keep on getting more serious! I was about to defeat Prince Akuma, but Ladybug had to come and mess everything up, now, none of us can find Prince Akuma or his helpers! And Hawk Moth, now has better chances of defeating us all! Prince Akuma is getting out of control thanks to Ladybug! I hope atleast Cat Noir has a brain, and wouldn't mess things up just like her! It's just ~ how can I stop Prince Akuma before Ladybug does?" She sighed at the thought because she knew it wouldn't be easy.

                                             Suddenly, the building started tipping and Sarah couldn't hold on to the bed. It slid forward with Sarah falling first, but due to her great defense skills, she stopped the sliding bed with her feet and quickly stood up before the building crashed to the ground. 

                                              *After the building crashed*

                                       The glass windows broke and water was gushing through them really quickly. The noise woke up Rava (the raven kwami) from her sleep. "Woah! What's happening!?" "Rava, I don't know either. The building crashed and it's starting to flood this room, so, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE TODAY AND ESPECIALLY LIKE THIS, MAYBE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER EATNG THIS AQUA SEED SO I CAN TRANSFORM!" She yelled at Rava holding up an aqua seed looking at Rava with an annoyed and angry look. Rava knew Sarah really well, and this was a usual act for her when she's nervous or scared, that's how she reacts to things. Rava ate the aqua seed and Sarah then said, "Rava, aqua transform!" 

                                                                *After transformation*

                                   Sarah carefully swam through the broken windows of her room right out on the flooded streets, she swam for a couple of minutes, until she sensed a commotion somewhere in front of her. 

                                                           *Sarah's Pov*

                                       I noticed a commotion somewhere ahead of me, so I started swimming faster towards a far building in front of me. I stopped hiding by one of the other buildings that sank, and I saw Cat Noir and Ladybug fighting Prince Akuma, and Siren. 'I guess he did have enough time to akumatize Kim's girl too,' I thought. Then, I came from behind Prince Akuma and Siren and hit them with my feather Raven staff. The ends are silicone and polish covered when underwater, so they're easier to move and better to fight with underwater.) I started fighting them and I didn't stop, no matter how hard it was. I knew what it was for. To be called the hero of Paris, France so that when I come back to Shanghai, my parents will finally be proud of me, finally to be treated like their own daughter, receive the attention I lacked for so long, and have my dear Grandpa Fu smiling at the sunset, calling me his Raven Princess.

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