Lucky Charm

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                                                        Chat Noir and Ladybug joined Raven in helping her with the villians, fighting no matter how hard it was. It was only a couple of minutes, but they were all getting sore hands and feet already. "Ladybug, use your lucky charm!" Cat Noir managed to yell as Siren was trying to choke him. "Cat Noir!" Ladybug yelled back as Prince Akuma hit her on her shoulder. Raven saw him getting ready to punch her again, so she jumped in front of her, defending his attack with her staff. She nodded at Ladybug as a sign to use her Lucky Charm while they keep the two busy. 

                                                     She backed a way a bit and swung her yoyo in the water and said, "Lucky Charm!" Light and sparkles surrounded Ladybug as her Lucky Charm fell on her, when she caught it, she was surprised to see that it was a box for a miraculous! And there was a fake ladybug patterned fox miraculous! But Alya was akumatized, unless, she merged the fox miraculous with her miraculous! She took the necklace and put it on her neck and it became real, "Trix, Tikki, unify!" A blast of energy came from Ladybug and the next moment, Lyla was next to her! (It's an illusion, cause she's half Ladybug and half Rena Rouge now) 

                                                          Luka pushed Raven aside and quickly swam towards "Lyla" and when he grabbed on to her, she disappeared, he ended up getting caught in ladybug's yoyo. She wrapped him up in her yoyo and tied him up to a lamp post that wasn't broken. "So, Luka, who won, now?" He looked up and told her in disgust, "You aren't fair you know that Ladybug?" She looked at him confused but he continued. "I got akumatized because I was angry at Lyla, because she harmed Marinette! See, you know nothing! You don't know how it feels to be weaker than others, not being able to compete with your enemies against their lies, you're a hero, everything goes well for you! I was just trying to put Lyla back in her spot and help all her victims and Marinette out! Unlike you.............................. You'll never understand............."

                                     *Ladybug's flashbacks*

                                     *Ladybug's flashbacks*

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              "Actually, I do

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              "Actually, I do. As a normal person, I face problems that many other people face too! I know how it feels and I don't need a pep talk either! But this isn't a way of revenge! Can't you see?! You fell right in her trap! She wanted to akumatize you and that's what you did! So, please, let me deakumatize you and I'll play revenge for you. Deal?" 

                  She had her hand out in front of him, hoping he'll take it. He scanned her carefully and then took her hand. "Deal." She smiled and slid his earrings off of his ears and quietly whispered, "I promise you." She gently bent the earring causing it to break. She then through her yoyo at the akuma and the charm opened and engulfed the akuma. It closed and fell in her hand as she smiled and said, "No more evil for you little akuma! It's time to de - evalize!" She pressed her finger on the inside of her charm, revealing a perfectly white butterfly. She through the miraculous box in the air and everything came back to normal. But for some reason, Raven was getting ready to leave first! But quickly someone grabbed her wrist and didn't let her go. It was Ladybug! "Raven, I and Chat Noir need to talk to you."

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