Time To Save Ladybug!

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                                                    Adrian transformed to Cat Noir and ran to his class. He pushed the door open and everyone turned around towards him looking at him with worry. Cat Noir started commanding loudly, "Everyone, I have heard that Ladyluck has appeared. To defeat Ladyluck, you must stay in this room and not get in sight of Ladyluck until she is defeated." Everyone in the room nodded. Cat Noir scanned the room and said, "You, girl with glasses and you boy with a robot come with me." Alya and Max left the room with Cat Noir. Cat Noir got in the hallway and put them in seperate rooms, he gave them miraculouses and they transformed. Alya became Rena Rouge and Max became Pegasus.

                                                They hid in the Eiffel Tower and discussed how to win against Ladyluck. They knew they couldn't do any harm to her dolls or her, or they'd become puppets. Suddenly, a light bulb came into Pegasus's head. He broke the silence and said, "Let's try my idea." Rena Rouge and Cat Noir looked up and put their attention to Pegasus. "First, let's consider our powers we have. First, we have powers to create illusions, teleport, destruct, create a portal, and power of the elements. Let's set up a way we can reach her akuma with those powers." They all silently nodded. That was a quiet sign for Pegasus to continue. "I thought that first off Rena Rouge needs to set an illusion of us where we are trying to fight against her. Our illusions must pretend like they don't know about her powers and attack the dolls, when they do, they turn into puppets. When she thinks she won, we must wait altleast 10 minutes of where she thinks we're her dolls.

                                                                   When that time passes, Cat Noir carefully teleport you and Rena Rouge close to Ladyluck. If she turns around, use your air element powers to make you invisible, I'll stay at the Eiffel tower in case you need extra help later and help you with the portal later on. Then Cat Noir you set Rena Rouge next to you and steal away Ladyluck's miraculous. Break it a little bit and LADYLUCK WILL TRANSFORM TO HER NORMAL SELF, she will be normal Ladybug and we'll tell her to use her yoyo and cleanse the akuma. When she does her earrings will be fixed and everything will go back to normal." Both of them looked at each other and then at Pegasus, they didn't know any other plan, so they had to atleast try. 

                                                                        Rena Rouge carefully took a step back and tried whispering, "Mirage," but in a way where her powers will activate. She tried a couple times but it wouldn't work. So, she had to say it out loud and play her flute too. She stood up and played her flute, "Mirage!" A giant glow of orange filled the Eiffel Tower and Ladyluck noticed. She turned around to see Rena Rouge, Cat Noir and Pegasus standing there. She put her hand to her mouth and chuckled a bit. Then she told them out loud, "Well, well, another trio of losers who want to die today." They stared at her for a sec and then Cat Noir commanded, "Attack!" They ran towards Ladyluck's dolls and started attacking them. Ladyluck just started laughing and said, "You fools, you just dug out your own grave!" She started laughing loudly as their illusions turned into puppets. 

                                                     Everyone in Paris saw the "defeat" of Ladybug and Cat Noir and everything went to chaos and panic. The three heroes hid in the Eiffel Tower and had to wait until Ladyluck gets used to seeing their illusions as puppets. Cat Noir would flinch every couple of minutes, he would try to go and activate the plan already, but Pegasus stopped him each time and said, "Wait a little more, Cat Noir." Cat Noir couldn't wait. IT WAS LADYBUG! The girl he loves and see's as inspiration, he couldn't watch his own love destroy the town! But he held his nerves together and didn't make a single move until Rena Rouge came back from her "detransformation break". "Cat Noir. Take Rena Rouge and complete the mission." Cat Noir looked at Pegasus and nodded. 

                                                              He took Rena Rouge by the waist and used his power of elements to get himself and Rena Rouge near Ladyluck. After a couple of seconds, he got a far nod from Pegasus. Cat Noir took a deep breath and ran towards Ladyluck and snatched her earrings and threw them at Rena Rouge. Ladyluck was surprised by that sudden move, but she didn't lose her thoughts from that surprise and grabbed Cat Noir by the wrist and pulled him under her. She knelt down towards him, still holding him in place and whispered in his ear, "You're a goner." Then, black mist surrounded Cat Noir and he became her puppet. 

                                                                Ladyluck couldn't hold back her laugh and gave out an evil and cruel laugh. Then, she suddenly stopped laughing. She looked at herself and didn't know why was she there? She looked under herself and saw Cat Noir. She jumped back and half - screamed, "Cat Noir! What happened? Why were you under me?!" Cat Noir looked at her with a smirk but before he could say anything, Rena Rouge cut him off. "You were akumatized and you became Ladyluck. We deakumatized you, now you need to cleanse the akuma and everything will be fine." 

                                                         Ladybug simply nodded. She took her yoyo and deakumatized the moth. Everything came back to normal and her miraculous  healed.

  I hope you liked this ending cause I have poor imagination😅

Miraculous Fanfic Season 5जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें