Her Phone

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                    That kept on happening for a week already. Alya, Nino, Chloe and Adrian kept on watch for weird things happening around the school, and the only thing that was weird, was Marinette's behavior. One day Alya noticed Marinette texting more then usual so she gathered Adrian, Nino and Chloe in the school library to discuss that. 

                Alya started the conversation by discussing what she figured out, "Marinette started texting more than usual. I'm her BFF, so I know that she doesn't have Luka's number, so it must be someone else." "Maybe she's texting someone dangerous," Adrian concluded. Then, Nino replied to Adrian saying, "First off, that is the least possible thing that can happen, but if it is true then the only way to fix anything is to steal her phone away."

                         They all sighed knowing it was the only way. During class, Alya carefully took Marinette's phone from her bag, when she was in the bathroom. After school, Alya looked through the phone, in case there was something odd or interesting that she could show to the others. First, she looked to the calling section and then she read some of her texts and she indeed, found something odd. She called them up in the library and started explaining about what she found. "So, I looked through Marinette's phone and she called and texted Gabriel Agrest the most in the last couple of days." But Nino just sighed and said, "Maybe, Marinette is working for Gabriel Agrest now." 

                                                       "But my dad never told me of that or Natalie. If he would've had another fashion designer joining him, he would've told either me or Natalie," Adrien protested. They didn't notice as Mr. Damocles entered the library, shooing all the students out of the library. Mr. Damocles came up to them and said, "Kids, school was done 2 hours ago, I'm closing the school till tomorrow. You should've all headed home already. I know none of you have extra classes, so why are you staying here so late?" 

                                                   Alya was the first to answer him and she said, "We were talking about Marinette." "Marinette?" Mr. Damocles asked surprisenely. "Yes, Marinette," Adrian said. "Well, you better not be making rumors or telling lies about her or you'll get suspended," Mr. Damocles warned. "She is an amazing student in this school and she shouldn't be bothered by some filthy lies about her." He sighed and said, "Until now." They all turned towards him with surprised faces. "Why?" Chloe timidly asked. Of course that was really an unusual tone for Chloe so then everyone turned surprised looking because of her too. 

                                                  Mr. Damocles sighed and explained, "She has been skipping classes more often, and walks around the hallways instead of participating in class. Her grades are dropping because she doesn't continue with her projects or homework. I sent her to a S.T.E.M class to help her with catching up on work, but she pays no interest! I contacted her parents and told them of her problems in school, but nothing has changed!" They looked at each other. They knew it was another clue to figuring out the reason of Marinette's weird behavior. Then they looked at the clock. It was 3:30. Way past the time the school has to close. Mr. Damocles cleared his throat and escorted the kids out of school, locking the doors behind him. 

                                                        A car was standing there by the sidewalk, it was Adrian's limousine. Adrian's bodyguard was sitting with an impatient face. Adrian waved goodbye to them and got in the car, explaining why he got so late to his ride home. Of course, Chloe dragged on too, AND BEGGED THE DRIVER TO TAKE HER HOME WITH ADRIAN. He agreed and let Chloe have a ride with them. Nino then asked Alya if he could walk her home and she agreed. They walked home together. Mr. Damocles looked towards his car, standing alone in the school parking lot. He sighed and got in the car, driving himself home.

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