Before She leaves

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                                                     Sarah finally received that phone call that she was waiting for, for a while. It was that phone call where her parents and siblings ask for her to come home. She got so excited that she raced to her hotel room, packing all her things up. She raced out of her room, paying the check and giving the keys to her room back, racing outside to the train station. But she suddenly stopped herself. What about her friends? Will she just leave them un notified? She turned around and ran for the school to tell all her friends and teachers she was leaving. She let all her teachers now, and she took the report cards from them, proud from her grades that she can show her parents. She raced over to Nathan and Mark, hugging them very tightly. "Woah, Woah, Woah, you're gonna kill us, relax!" Nathan said as he tried to relax Sarah. 

                                               Sarah let them go and looked up to them saying, "I'm leaving. I'm going back home, and I'll miss you both really much." Everybody all around them heard that and started gathering around Sarah telling her good bye. By the end of the day, the only one she had to notify of her leaving was Marinette. She raced with her things to Marinette's house, ignoring her parents and running upstairs to her room. She busted the door open and looking really tired at Marinette. "Woah, Sarah, chill down! What's with the formality?!" Sarah looked down at herself and answered, "I'm leaving, so I need to look the best for my parents." She sat down on one of Marinette's chairs and waited for her reaction. Marinette kneeled down to her height and untied her shirt a bit, revealing a little bit of her top, "You know you can stay here, as long as you want," Marinette replied. 

                                   (Sarah in her formal clothes)

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                                   (Sarah in her formal clothes)

                                  Sarah shook her head. "Marinette I know, but I need to. But we'll forever stay friends, you promise me that?" She asked. Marinette nodded. "Of course I will!" They stared at each other for a sec but then Sarah took her things and left the room, yelling behind her, "Have a nice day!" She raced to the train station, grabbing her things and heading for the train to Shanghai, China. She gave her ticket to the conductor of the train and sat down in a free spot looking out the window. The train started moving, and every minute the Eiffel Tower would get smaller, and smaller and smaller, until she couldn't see it. She remembered her untied shirt and she tightened it back up and leaned her head against the window. She knew that when her eyes open up again, she'll see her family, she'll be in China, she'll finally be a lovable child, but most importantly, maybe they found grandpa and grandma already, and they're there. Waiting for her at the Shanghai, China station.

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