Activating Plan, "Deakumatize Ladybug!"

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                                                    The next day in Science class, suddenly, loud noises we're heard outside. Everybody ran outside including Adrian and saw that Ladyluck was attacking Paris. Ladyluck's power was to create anything she wants in to real life. She created giant dolls (something like the one Q would have with her. Search up "Q Bungo Stray Dogs" if you don't know who she is) that would go around and destroy buildings and scare people. And she was their puppeteer that controlled them, and if somebody hurt her or the doll, the doll would make that person another puppet in their game. 

                                     Adrian was watching in horror as Ladyluck laughed loudly like a villian. Person by person, each one in place got caught in the power of Ladyluck. Soon, the streets were hovering with people caught under control by Ladyluck. Everybody who wasn't controlled by Ladyluck were hiding, while everybody else, stood lifelessly, waiting for commands. Ladyluck chuckled and said, "Everybody that hears me, go and bring me Adrian Agreste and whoever does will be the one spared from the entire world!" She then started laughing like a complete psycho.

                                    Everybody ran back to class and locked themselves inside. Adrian looked out the window in their class and sighed. Cold sweat went down his back and his lips slightly trembled. For the first time: Everything was his problem. He gently pushed through the crowd of worried people in the room and headed for the door. Then, suddenly, Chloe loudly protested, "Adrikins! You ain't going anywhere! You saw that maniac women, you can't trust anyone in that state!" Everybody in the room nodded. But Adrian stood by the door, turned around and sighed. Ms. Bustier took Adrian by the wrist and gently rubbed it. "Adrian, it will be fine." She said in a calming tone. "Ladybug and Cat Noir will soon show up and defeat her. You don't need to sacrifice yourself." 

                                                   Adrian looked away with guilt and a frown on his face. He pulled his hand gently away from Ms. Bustiers hand and went towards the door. He opened the door but before he closed it behind him, he said, "If I give myself to Ladyluck, I'll not only save you all, I'll save Ladybug and Cat Noir time." He closed the door behind him and went down downstairs to the bathrooms on the 1st floor, where he could transform to Cat Noir. While everybody in class stood there, dumbfounded, realizing they couldn't stop Adrian from sacrificing himself for them. Maybe, it would be the last time they see him........................................

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