Getting Ready

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                                                        She entered the bakery and a smile spread across her face. And then a happy voice chimed in which surprised her. "Welcome to our Boulangerie Patisserie, what can we do for you?" She gave a nervous laugh at the amount of attention she got but gathered her nerves to answer, "Well, I'd like to see the menu first." He nodded and gave her a piece of paper which had all the dishes on there. She scanned the paper but stopped on one dish that she decided to order. "I would like the Chinese Snowflake Cake," she answered. Mr. Dupain nodded and left her to get the dessert. As he opened the door to leave for the dessert, the same blue - haired appeared. She looked at Sarah a little surprised and calmly said, "Well, I see you found my parents bakery."

                                                     Sarah looked a little shocked and asked, "This is your parents bakery?" She giggled and then nodded. Sarah walked up closer and asked, "So, what's your name?" Marinette turned red. She didn't even tell Sarah her name! "Oh, my name is Marinette, Marinette Dupain - Chang," she nervously answered. Sarah nodded at her answer and asked, "Do you know the Francoise High School in Paris?" "Of course I do," she chimed out. "I go to school there." Sarah looked surprizenly at her again and asked, "Can you bring me there some time, since, I'm staying here, I guess I could go to school there."

                                                   Marinette nodded and said, "By the way, my second shift in school will start in an hour, do you want to come with me, right now?" Sarah thought for a second and answered, "Sure, why not?" Marinette smiled and said, "Well, then, let's head upstairs to my room and get you ready." Sarah didn't expect that but Marinette grabbed her hand and led her to her room.

                                                                         *Now in Marinette's room*

                                                      "You probably didn't know, but I'm a fashion designer and I can get you ready for school easily," Marinette said. Sarah stood there unsure, while Marinette dug threw her clothes, looking for something Sarah can wear to school, except for her long and uncomfortable kimono. Eventually she found something and threw it at Sarah, pushing her in the bathroom to change. It was a tan yellow shirt with long, baggy sleeves and a short, blue jeans skirt with blue, thin straps that she can put over her shoulders. After Sarah changed, Marinette dragged her to her mirror, where she put her hair up in a ponytail and left 1 lock on each side that she slightly curled and didn't tie. She tied her ponytail with a red bow and tied a ribbon in her hair too.

                                                  She passed her some long star earrings to wear and tightened her sleeves and tightened her collar on her shirt. Then she took her by the hand, and started dragging her to school, Sarah had a couple of seconds, but she managed to take her heart wallet where her kwami was and catch up after Marinette.

 Then she took her by the hand, and started dragging her to school, Sarah had a couple of seconds, but she managed to take her heart wallet where her kwami was and catch up after Marinette

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                                                              (Eventually, Sarah after Marinette's makeover.)

                                                                        *Now in School*

                                            Marinette brought Sarah to her class. Ms. Bustier stood up walking towards Marinette and Sarah which caused the whole class to put their attention on Sarah and Marinette. "Ms. Bustier, this is Sarah. She is now the new girl in our class, for now, until she moves back to her home," Marinette concluded. Ms. Bustier's look softened and she gave off a smile, "Well, then. Sarah since you're the new girl in our class for now, let's introduce you to the class." Ms. Bustier started introducing her to the class, though there were two people that looked at Sarah with a look that tells her, that they're in love. It was Mark and Nathaniel.

                                                         After the introduction, Sarah was seated behind Marinette. Then, class started. During class, Sarah tried to be as productive and attentive as she can, while Mark finished his work and constantly stared at Sarah. But she didn't notice. She was too busy doing her work, trying to make a good impression on her teachers, starting the first day. That day after school he decided to make a poem for her. 'Isn't that a good idea?' he thought.

                                                                *A couple weeks later*

                                   A couple of weeks later, Mark was done with his poem. He read it over,

'Your black colored hair is like the sky,

You splash the water just at night,

you are a pearl of my treasure,

and I just want to let you know,

that all the actions that you make,

they will forever,

make me spin around.'

                                                     He finished reading it and headed to the class where Sarah was at, but then, Nathaniel appeared and dragged her downstairs in the library because they planned on studying there after school. Over the weeks she did get a little closer to Nathaniel, but Mark still had hope of winning her. After Sarah and Nathaniel finished studying, Mark came up to Nathan and asked him, "Why can't you let me talk to Sarah some time, Nathan?" But Nathan just scoffed and said, "Well, it's not my problem she doesn't want to talk to you." Mark was shocked a bit from his answer. "Tomorrow, I'll ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend, and I bet she will. She probably doesn't want to talk to you, that's why she hangs out with me more. But if only you acted more like a man, and asked her properly, maybe, she would've told you a 'sure' at least."

                                                     Sarah heard their argument as she was leaving the school, so she walked up to them and asked, "Guys, why are you fighting?" Nathaniel and Mark looked at each other, a little surprised, but Nathaniel got his nerves and asked, "Sarah who do you like more, me or Mark?" Sarah stuttered at the sudden question and didn't know what to say. She took a deep breath and said as confidently as she can, "I think - Mark," she finally said. Nathaniel looked shocked from her answer. As she walked up to Mark, Mark had a shocked face too. He didn't expect her to pick him! "Mark," she said timidly, "I - I think I like you better," she concluded. He looked up to her and gave her a piece of paper (his poem) and told her, "Here, read this," he said, while looking away. 

                                                                *After she read the poem*

                                      "Mark, I - I can't find any words to how beautiful this is! This is amazing! No one ever told me things like this. And by no one I mean no one." Mark started blushing from all those compliments that Sarah gave him and his writing. When Nathan saw Mark blushing he understood that now, he lost everything that meant living a beautiful life for him. Sarah. He lost Sarah. He left school with anger filling him, but for some reason, not towards Sarah that rejected him, but towards Mark.


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