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I flip through my father's journal. The first bucket load of pages is my mother's predictions. Different ones but always the words in the end. No matter how many different visions or premonitions she had, it ended with the same thing. 

Visions of darkness, war. DEATH. Hybrid. ᚾᛁᚴᛚᚨᚢᛋ.

I can't find a single thing to translate the weird language that rests on the many pages of the journal. There is no translation that I can find in any language I look at. I flip through again, trying to get away from my mother's crazy notes and scary ideals of the future.

I turn another page, ready to see more visions but instead the writing switches to my father's writing dating a year after my mother's last vision. Around the time I turned eight. I stare at the gentle change in words. 

Elara had another vision today, the first in over a year. It was worse than the others. She sent City hiding in her bedroom, she caught a glimpse of the vision. She wouldn't share it with me or allow me to take it. She said it would hurt me. It was hours before I could pry her from behind the confines of her bed. 

She murmured to me about a mark like my own on a man that was very old but very young. And even with the words of an eight-year-old, I understood. Her Mark would be on a vampire an eternal Mate for which she can not be eternal for. 

Elara is worried. Afraid that the vampire will find City and take her away. I have assured her that that would not happen but she is nervous. To soothe her nerves, Elara took City and me to Sheila, in hopes for the woman to help Elara protect our little girl. And Sheila forced her to give up the memory of the vision, taking it away from our family. And together they cast a powerful cloaking spell, one that will last until she naturally meets her Mate. 

At which time I hope City is old enough to understand the situation. I pray that this vampire is one of the good ones. One that will understand the bond. And yet it is a mystery to me how something dead can hold the bond for the living.

And so today I swore to Elara that I would not rest until I found the demon that has his life connected to my daughter. I will not rest until I can make sure my little girl will be safe for the rest of her mortal life. 

My first tour goes out tomorrow, and it is my intention to find those overseas with the knowledge of things like what plague this family. And I have sent word to the Pack, they will look for him as well, protect their Pack in my little girl. And from now on we will always protect her. For as long as we can.

Buried in these pages I will write for City anything I find, so I can save her one day from the mortal enemy of our kind. 

I stare at his words. I gave up a memory, one which I am dying to know and one which I can not retrieve. That memory was given to someone now dead. But the cloaking spell, I hope to find an answer to, a release from it.

 I know there is no hiding from this bond. I have read the letters my father sent my mother from overseas. They desire they felt to be near each other. I know the pain my mother felt when my father died, I know the pain of being torn to bits by a bomb. It is a memory I took for her so she didn't have to feel the pain. 

I know there is no running from this bond. I do not intend to endure the same pain my parents did. 

I can't take any more pain. Not anymore.  


The music at school beats around me. People walk by, talking, laughing. I watch with a chuckle as Caroline orders people around, sending them off to do her bidding. Her eyes narrow at me as she notices the task I've neglected. I hold my arms up in mock surrender turning back around. 

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