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"So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna too?" Caroline asks as we hold the ladder as Bonnie hangs lanterns from the trees.

"I wish," Bonnie grumbles, "All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy' still got a direct line to the Other Side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here."

Caroline frowns as Bonnie climbs down the ladder, "Ok, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that."

"There," Bonnie shrugs, "You commented."

"Bonnie," I try. I may not have been here all summer, but it feels like nothing has changed. Even with our elaborate lives working each day to survive, deep down we're still teenagers at heart. We still get hurt by others and we still battle with normal everyday life. Bonnie may try to ignore the issue, but at heart, we all know that Jeremy seeing the ghosts of his dead girlfriends is hurting her more than she cares to admit. Bonnie who always fights for us seems all too often to forget about herself. She deserves happiness just as the rest of us do. 

She glares at Caroline and me, "What do you guys want me to say? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences."

"Well, I want you to say you're not ok with it," Caroline pushes. 

"I'm a thousand times not ok with it!" Bonnie scowls. "I just don't know what to do about it."

"Know the feeling," I murmur under my breath. I have no idea what to even do with Klaus. I still feel drawn to him. Even though he could be anywhere in the world, I feel like I need to be by his side as much as I deny it. As my mind works to calculate ways to break the bond, my body fights to kill those thoughts. I'm torn. I don't know what to do and I don't know who to talk to. I feel like I'm drowning in my head. 

Caroline glances at me with a hard expression. "Have you found any other solutions to breaking the Mate Bond?"

I groan, "I already told you, Bonnie said my mom's grimoire had nothing on Mates. So the only way I know of is to rip his heart from his chest myself. Which, Gloria said I'm not likely to survive."

Caroline scoffs, "And what if the Wicked Witch of the West was lying?"

"I'm not willing to find out if it means I die, Care." I glance between her and Bonnie. They look at me differently now. Ever since I told them it's like they are seeing a different person. It's like I'm not the same City Thomas they have known their whole lives. I can feel the difference too. They tread differently as if I picked up Klaus's mannerisms while I was gone. I just want them to stop looking at me like I'm different like I've changed. I haven't, I'm the same girl I was before the summer, "We have bigger problems, we always do."

We turn our heads at the sound of an approaching vehicle. Damon's car screeches to a stop in front of us. His face is dark with resentment and it doesn't take me long to figure out we have another problem to deal with, "Greetings, Blondie, Sacramento. Witchy, I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan."

"What do you mean? Why?" Bonnie demands, confusion rippling through the three of us. 

"Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost."

I perk up at the name, a smile running across my face. Something familiar. Someone who knew my father. Another lead, maybe the one we're looking for. "Mason?"

"What?" Bonnie spits. 

Caroline scoffs, "And why would you think that?"

"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest." Damon shrugs with an annoyed smirk, "Let's just say I'm having deja vu."

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