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Klaus doesn't let me stare long at Damon's momentarily dead body. He grabs what he needs, then grabs my arm and jolts me from the apartment, barely muttering out permission for me to leave. His grip tightens the father we walk, and his eyes grow with ambition the closer we get to his goal. 

I struggle in Klaus's grip. "Where are you taking me?"

"To the ritual, I'll need an audience," Klaus tells me proudly, pulling me through the woods.

I glare at him. "Are you sick? You're about to kill my best friend and her aunt."

"I'm sorry for that." He shrugs, but I can tell his truths from his lies. He is not sorry for what he about to do at all. In fact, I can sense his joy. He is overjoyed to take three lives tonight just to get what he wants. 

"Yeah right." I scoff, "You sorry? I've seen your life. You think you live without consequences."

"Oh, I don't think, love, I know I do." He says smugly.

I trip as my foot breaks. My knees hit the ground. "Ahhh."

 Klaus crouches next to me, "Come on, love. I thought you still had some fight in you."

"Please," I beg, "Please don't do this Klaus. I will do anything you want, just please don't go through with this." I gasp as another bone pops. 

He stares at me with those blue eyes, ones I once called beautiful. But now they're dangerously filled with a lust for destruction. "No." He hauls me to my feet, pulling me into the clearing of Steven's quarry. 

Elena, Jenna, and Jules are surrounded by circles of fire. On a rock alter stands a girl that slightly resembles Luka. I can barely hear what she saying as another bone cracks. I choke as Klaus throws me to the ground, a circle of fire wrapping around me as well. I perch on my knees, my hand slowly extending forward, the fire flares and I know it's spelled. The four of us are trapped. 

He smirks at his witch, "Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He glances at the three farther away from me, "Hello my lovelies, are we ready?"

I listen to Jules scream and I pant in my own circle, trying to push away the pain, trying to get rid of my transformation. But every time I push, it pushes back farther and harder. I let out a loud gasp. My arms wrapping around my stomach as I try to think about anything but the pain. I clench my teeth, attempting to ease the pain. Tonight this pain is worse, and perhaps that's because it is late, or because my body is trying to fight the compulsion I can not break. 

Klaus gives me a look of...I don't know exactly what, before he pulls the moonstone from his pocket. I watch him wince as another bone in my legs snaps before the pain slows. God, I hope he can feel this. "I've got the moonstone. I spent five hundred years looking for this. I hate to part with it." He hands it to Greta.

She glances at me, and then the sky. "The moon is past its apex. Remember everything you need to do?"

"I remember," He assures her. 

Greta drops the stone onto the rock formation in front of her. She begins to chant as Klaus walks away from her and towards the three rings of fire as Jules's screams grow louder and my pain begins to battle within my body. 

Jules stares at Elena, "Everything I did...I was just trying to help Tyler."

"Are you Jules?" Elena asks. 

"I didn't want him to be alone," Jules tells her. 

If I wasn't trying to control my shift, I would be relatively annoyed. Tyler was never going to be alone. I would have stuck with him and helped him. He wouldn't have to go through what I did. I would have been his partner in the long fight of being a Wolf. But she never let me have a chance to help him. She took Tyler, the only other Wolf I've met in a long time, from me before I could show him what it feels like to be free. And deep inside of me, a piece of my loathes her for that. A piece of me is still looking for the Pack that I don't want. 

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