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Bonnie's chanting is the only thing I can hear over the sound of the soft buzzing echoing through my ears as I fight to find memories deep beneath the wood of the locked coffin. Where the others are easily manipulated and transferred through the wood, this one is inaccessible and refuses to be opened.

It was easy to search through the others. 

Elijah, still with his pure white mind hallway, was nowhere to be found. But then again, I barely peaked past what I already knew. Elijah felt empty, void of all emotion except for bliss. Something I hadn't expected to come from a dagger victim. Where the others were in pain, he seemed peaceful. He isn't angry like I would expect him to be. He feels this deep disappointment as if his biggest goal in life has failed to come true. I couldn't find anything else in my short voyage through his head, too worried about triggering him and having to confront the noble brother after months of loss. 

It feels wrong to intrude on him. He was the one ready to help when we needed it most. He looked past family to keep two humans alive. In a way, he feels more like family than anyone has in a while. Elijah gave me hope where there was none. He was the one who delivered Klaus. But then Klaus was the one trying to kill my best friend. With time that has changed, perhaps not just trying to kill Elena, but now the others as well. Over time, Klaus has become a beacon of hope for me, brought first by Elijah. He was the one who gave me a new start in an empty past. I owe everything Elijah in that sense. He gave me the thing I was once running from, the man I'm not trying to run to. 

The second coffin I intruded upon is much different than Elijah. Kol, buried with hate and anger, was harder to get through. He has a had wall built around him, one meant to protect himself from everything. All the emotions, the hardships, the reality of life. He built a wall to keep out the worst. But his emotions easily break it down. Like Klaus, he carries a vat of hatred, envy, and self-loathing. He was a rare occurrence in Klaus's memories, and it seems to reflect in his too. But beneath all the anger and hate towards his family, he has an unwavering desire to belong, to feel like he is one of them. 

That he and I share. The desperate need to be apart of something bigger than ourselves, to know that we have a family waiting for us back home. To feel the undying love that is supposed to come with it. He understands what it's like to be left out in the darkness, to feel like there is no one to turn to. If he were alive, I'd like to think that the two of us would understand each other more than the others would.

Kol feels familiar, he is the most relatable. But under the innocent thoughts of a young boy who has barely lived his thousand years, he is dark. The strongest memories are those tied to death and destruction. He was as violent as Klaus, if not more. I watched him decimate towns and villages in bloodlust. His long massacres in the wake of his resurrections that sent him back into the boxes as if they would teach him a lesson.

And above all, Kol despises Alway and Forever. The small vow that I once found innocent in the hands of Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah, now seems dark and excluding. Kol sees it as if he has spent the last thousand years searching for an into that vow. And because of it, he hates it more than anything. 

The last coffin and the man inside are almost unreadable. Finn, from what I gather, has spent almost all of his thousand years within the confines of a wooden box. He was someone his siblings despised and he was a kiss ass to his mommy. He could feel the hatred from his siblings, at least that's how he interpreted it. He was distant as if he has been missing something his whole life. And out of his brothers, he is the most in pain. He has the desperate desire to be released from the dagger and to see the world once more. But beneath all that. He desperately misses someone, someone who feels like blood. 

And as I found myself in common with the other brothers, Finn and I miss that bond together. Where I cant clearly find what he misses in the dark and absent abyss of his mind, I know what longing for family feels like. I know what it's like to lose the ones you hold most dear. And that's what Finn feels. Loss.

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