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Elena and I lean against the brick wall of the Salvatore dungeon. I watch Elena twirl the dagger between her fingers, my mind flashing back to when she sent a knife in her stomach. My gut wrenches at the thought. Elijah's body is still desiccated. The veins haven't lessened like they did the times I had seen in Klaus's memories. 

The night has come and gone and we haven't slept. Elena's eyes have barely left Elijah. I let myself back into my mind, attempting to sort out the memories I've collected, but none of them seem coherent enough to help. I sift through the ones containing Elijah, trying to get a grasp on who he used to be, and who he has become. 

The silence between us doesn't break and it hasn't for hours. Just like how it used to be. After our parents died we would sit with each other in silence for hours at a time, just needing each other company. We didn't want to talk about it and we didn't need to. We both understood, and it was the understanding that filled the room and brought comfort. We were each other's silent diaries. We poured our hearts out to each other without even speaking. We simply just understood that the silence was the greatest peace we were going to get. 

And when we came out the other side of the grief, we were better and closer. We helped each other back to normal. We tackled the pity looks and sympathy food together. We walked the halls of school learning to ignore the constant staring and unwanted attention. Together we adapted to our new lives. 

Together, like we've done everything, we will fight this battle too. 

Elijah's body jerks out of nowhere, sending me bolting to my feet. He gasps loudly as his body jerks on the floor. I trot towards his head, Elena following me. His eyes open, staring at us without seeing. The veins on his face don't recede, the gray color still pigmented on his skin.

"Elijah," I say, pressing a hand on his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down. He stares at Elena and me still gasping for air. "Elijah."

His eyes narrow at Elena, his accent seemingly heavier than usual, "Katerina!"

Elena glances at me confused, I shake my head at her. I gently place my hand on his, pushing my way into his head. I watch Elijah, in a nobleman's outfit walk the floor of a party with Trevor. Together they meet...Elena? Katerina. I listen to Elijah mutter in the memory. Human and she still looks the same as Elena. Elijah kisses her hand, amazed about something that I can't quite pick up on. The memory is blurry and unclear, almost as if Elijah isn't truly focused on it. 

I take my hand away, "He's in a memory, something about Katherine."

"Elijah," She whispers, "It's me, Elena. Please. Shh."

"Oh, my God," He gasps, his eyes flicking between the pair of us. His head rolls back, his eyes closing. And then he lays still on the ground. We share a confused look as he doesn't move and doesn't say anything. Elena sticks her wrist out near Elijah's nose and after a second, his body convulses on the floor. He slowly pushes himself from the floor as Elena and I fall back away from him. 

He pants, standing over us. "I can't - I can't breathe!" He falls again to the floor on all fours, "What's happening to me?"

"I-" Elena stammers. 

Elijah tries to speed out of the cell only to be hit by an invisible barrier. I run over to him, wrapping an arm around him, trying to get him to stop convulsing over himself. "I can't...I can't be in this house."

"Oh, my God," I whisper as the realization finally sets in. "You're not invited in."

Elijah continues to pant, his eyes looking for help in mine. "You need to get me out of here." He runs out of my arms, slamming into the wall. I wince at the noise, praying Stefan and Damon don't wake up. Elijah glances back at us before zooming out of the basement. 

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