Chapter 17 Ink?|

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Ah Sh*t

I lost Champion Dream's gonna be pi*sed.

I only looked away for one second and he's gone. The leash was bit off and everything. I had told Dream to put a tracker in that dog but, he didn't want his 'Child' in pain.

"Am I the only smart one here?" I asked myself as I continued to look for Champion. I mean he couldn't have gone far? It's not like he got a partner or something-

I stopped walking as I took in the sight before me.


Is Champion cuddling a F*cking Chicken?

Is Champion cuddling a F*cking Chicken?

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I-i don't know how to feel about this. Heck all I know Dream gonna throw a fit.

I then walk over to them debating if I should wake them up or not. But, do I really care if they wake up?
I then proceeded to reach my hand out for Champion only to feel a sharp pain in my hand.

"Huh?" I pulled my hand back quickly. "What the F*uck?!"

I then looked down to see a angry Chicken. And man he was a angry Chicken. I mean how dare this little sh*t glare at me? Can Chickens even glare?

'What is life?'

As I try again to get Champ I got pecked again. And I tried over and over but I only keep getting pecked. I was too tried for this bullSh*t today.

"Listen here you Nugget I would leave big Sh*t here but, for the first time in my life I don't feel like dying today so I need him to come with me." I said feeling crazy as I spoke to this Chicken as a person.

Yeah... that didn't work to well.

He was even more angry then before as I called his "love" Sh*t. He went full attack mode as he jumped onto me pecking and scratching me like crazy.

"What the heck?! I questioned as I tried to get him off only for him to attack my face.

Bok Bok Bok (How dare you call him Sh*t!)

He then seemed to make some weird noise then pecked my face more.

I got so annoyed and impatient.

Ok I'm done!

I then 'Grab' his feet from my face. Hanged him upside down, then threw him into some random bush. Which resulted him in making angry noises.

Honk (F#CKING)
Honk ( A**HOLE)
Honk (SH*T)

"...Did he...Honk?"

"Pft-Did you really have to do the chicken like that?"

"Shush Ani!"

"your such a boomer Ink!"

"Whatever." I scoffed at the child as they went to go bother someone else. Good I they were getting annoying. I then decided to wake up Champion. Since he didn't seem to wake up during the 'Loud' battle I had with the nugget. I mean how did he fricking sleep during that?




(Just kiddingXD)

I woke him up gently by patting his head. Cause if I harm him I'm most likely to die. When Champ woke up he looked confused when he saw me.

"Sorry bud but your cuddle buddy gone now lets go!" I said as I clipped his leash on and started walking. Champ was walking slowly still confused on what just happed.

'All I want to do is sleep...'


Hi guys sorry for a late update and a short chapter kinda have writer's block. So if you have any ideas I would be more then happy to hear them.
And I have been working on a drawing of Ghostbur I hope you like it.

And I have been working on a drawing of Ghostbur  I hope you like it

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(P.s I wasn't trying to draw Ghostbur at first so you might see some extra things like the goggles)

Also I changed my name to Finnegan so I would appreciate if you can call me Finnegan from now on.

And there's a story as to why I choose that name so if you want to hear that please comment.

And I hope you have a wonderful time of the
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