Chapter 13: Sona knows

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Author's POV

Rias: "Ruby, did all of you make your own weapons?"

Ruby: "Well, my uncle Qrow help me make them and I based it on his weapon."

Rias: "In your world, your school is a training everyone to fight off these Grimm?"

Ruby: "Yeah. We're called Huntsman or Huntress. We fight off the Grimm and help people."

Rias: "Interesting."

She then noticed that Pyrrha is staring at her.

Rias: "Not to be rude but, your kinda staring at me for sometime now."

Pyrrha: "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I-It's just, you remind me of my Sister."

Rias: "Oh... I'm sorry for your lose. What's her name?"

Pyrrha: "Scarlet."

Rias: "Scarlet..... I always wanted a daughter named Scarlet."

As all of them are talking, Sona walk in the room with Tsubaki and Akeno.

Rias: "How was N/n?"

Sona: "Not good. He said that his Father forbid him to use any of his weapons for the next five days."

Rias: "What!?"

Sona: "Lord Kratos said that it's his punishment for being too greedy against any enemies."

Ruby: "But how's he going to fight Tyrian without any weapons?"

Rias: "N/n can use his fist as well as the Power of Hope. He can still beat him. I believe in him."

Pyrrha: "You really support him huh?"

Rias: "Yes. I love N/n with everything I am. Ever since he saved me from that marriage. I vow to myself that I'd be faithful to him promise to be by his side, forever."

Pyrrha: "I guess having multiple wives here is normal huh?"

Sona: "Well, he is a God. It's natural for them to have many wives as they want."

Tsubaki: "By the way. Where's Azazel-sensei?"

Rias: "I think he and Qrow still has a hangover."

Ruby: "Well, Uncle Qrow has a habit of drinking a lot."

Rias: "That same goes for Azazel."

At the rooftop, Blake is meditating with six candles encircled around her.

???: "Blake."

She quickly shot open her eyes and immediately grabs her weapon.

Blake: "Who's there?"

She pointed by the door and saw a bald guy with the same tattoo as his Dad.

Kratos: "Your reflexes are admirable. But let us see how good is your reaction."

Kratos crossed his arms and Blake jumps away, dodging an incoming attack to the left. He look and saw some guy with a spear and a shield, attack him.

She turned her sword into a gun and starts shooting at the enemy, but he just raised his shield to block the bullets.

The Spartan dash towards her, trying to hit her with his spear as Blake keeps avoiding his attack. Blake turned her gun back into a sword and clash with the Spartan. She then un-sheath her other sword, but the Spartan blocks it with his shield, and kick Blake right in the Stomach.

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