Chapter 2- My Awfel Life

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Chapter 2


Paige's POV

This whole hospital thing sucks. Every day I have to go down to see a plastic surgeon so he can look at my face. He said if there is no sign of infection by the weekend then I can go home.

I've been doing everything the doctors have been saying so I can go home.

My dad told me the other day that we are moving again. He told me that I'd be going to a new school after I told him about Amy and her crew.

When I heard that I'm going to a new school my face lit up, then I realized my scar on my face.

I really want to make friends but I know I will never make any now.

I got told by the doctor that I would be able to walk with a boot in about 6 weeks, until then I'm suck with these terrible, painful crutches.

The doctor came in with a wheel chair. I simply got out of bed and sat in the chair and we went off to the examination room.

I laid down on a big bed and while a big machine made some buzzing noise. After a couple of minutes I got out of the machine and the doctor wheeled me back to my room.

The plastic surgeon came into my room and told me that there was no signs of infection. He told me that I could leave tomorrow if everything is clear. I thanked him then he left.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


When I woke up my dad was sitting beside my bed. His eyes were still red and puffy. I could tell he was crying. My dad never cries unless it is something big.

"Dad.." My voice was dry and raspy.

He looked at me and hope filled his eyes.

"Paige, I really thought you were gone." he said

"It's okay dad. I'm here. I'm not planing to leave you anytime soon."

I never thought I would say those words with all thats been going on with my awful life.

A/N: Hey y'all. I put my other books on hold until I get this one up and running. I really hope you like this book. This chapter suck. It's a filler. Next chapter is going to be a lot better. Promise.


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