18 - Finally over For good pt.2

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Paiges POV


"do you understand the plan?" Josh asked me.

I nodded in response. I was going to be honest, I was actually really scared to do this. But Josh couldn't know a thing.

"How am I supposed to go through with this? I just don't think I can do it." I said to Josh.

"Paige, you have to. We can't stay here. She's crazy." Josh said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I know but who knows what she's hiding in this house. There could be like a bizzilion weapons or something."

"Paige, first of all, bizzilion is not a number or even a real word. Second of all, we have to get out of here." Josh said taking his hand off my shoulder and bringing me into a hug.

I just nodded and went to the door.

The plan was for me to bang on the door and get our mom to open the door and let me go to the bathroom. When I'm in the bathroom I'm going to search for things to help us with the next part of the plan.

When I get back from the bathroom mother will probably take me back to the room, when she opens the door Josh will tackle her so I can run and try to find a phone. I'll hid the phone in my pocket or something in my pocket but also grab some food so it looks like I ran out to get some food.

Hopefully mother will lock us back into the room but we will have a phone so we can call for help.

I hope this works.

I walk up to the door looking back at Josh. He gives me a nod telling me to do it.

I bang on the door three times, waiting to hear mothers footsteps down the stairs.

I hear the heavy foot steps clunk down the stairs as my shoulders tighten.

What if I fail? What if I never get out of here?

She opens the door abruptly, "What do you want?"

"Um, I'm just asking to go to the bathroom." I said weakly hoping she'll have sympathy with the fear in my voice.

"Sure sweetie. Follow me." She says changing her tone completely when I ask the question.

She leads me to the bathroom and I walk inside. When I lock the door I immediately start looking for a phone, you never know what a crazy lady will keep in her bathroom.

My search fails and I flush the toilet and turn on the taps. I wash my hands since they are probably filthy since I haven't washed them in days.

I open the door and find my mother right outside waiting for me to be finished.

"C'mon sweetie lets bring you back downstairs." She says grabbing my arm too tight for my liking.

As we approach the door, I ask "How's Steve?" I ask trying to let Josh know we are outside the door.

"He's good. Now go back inside, Steve and I want to talk to you two when he gets home." Mother said opening the door.

As she opens the door Josh lunges at her which makes her let go of my arm.

I run upstairs and loon for a phone not forgetting to grab some food. I finally spot one sitting on the table. I quickly stuff it in my tank top I was wearing under my shirt just incase she checked my pockets.

I quickly run back downstairs where Josh was pinning our mother down. When he saw me he jumped off her and onto his feet.

"Sorry mom, we were just so hungry we had to grab some food. I didn't want to be rude and ask you for food. I'm sorry." I say as convincing as I can.

Mother stands up and takes the box of crackers from my hands and goes back upstairs pointing to the room.

Josh and I go in quickly while mother locks the door.

I pull the out the phone and give it to Josh and he calls the police.

"Hello? We need the police."

"Our mentally ill mother kidnapped us."

"I don't know where it is she threw us in the back of a van."

"Josh Hyland and Paige Hyland-"

"Josh, Paige come up here right now."

"Hold on i'll keep you in my pocket please don't hang up, if we don't go she'll kill us." Josh says carefully placing the phone in his pocket.

We bang on the door signalling to mother we are locked in the room.

She comes downstairs and opens the door, grabbing Josh and I's shirts and dragging us upstairs.

We get to the living room and we stand side by side with mother in front of us.

"There was a phone on this table. Where did it go?" Mother asks looking right at me.

"I don't know, I didn't see a phone." O said lying through my teeth.

"Liar!" She yells pulling out a gun from her back pocket.

I can feel Josh's body tense when she draws out the gun.

"Tell me where it is, or you don't live to see another day." Mother says.

She has officially gone insane.

"I don't know please don't kill me." I said starting to cry.

"Oh, I thought you wanted to die, considering that ugly scar of yours I thought you were humiliated by it." Mother said circling Josh and I.

"That was before, when the bullies were killing me. Now they aren't here anymore and I'm finally happy." I said hearing the faint sounds of sirens.

I don't think mother hears them though as she continues.

"Well didn't you think I was happy? I had three beautiful kids before you killed one." Mother said.

"I never killed Brooke." I said gulping hearing the sirens grow louder.

"Oh well maybe I'm getting my people mixed up." Mother said still circling.

I can hear the sirens come towards the house and mother finally hears them.

"You little shits." Mother says.

The police begin to bang on the door.

Mother points the gun down at Josh and shoots him in the foot. He lets out a small scream and drops to the ground clutching his foot.

"Now Paige, what was I ever going to do with you. Your just another pretty little face who went through something tragic. How about I put an end to this tragedy? I'll forever remember you as my little pretty tragedy." Mother says stepping back and holding the gun towards my chest.

I hear the police break down the door then a gun shot, then my whole world goes black.

OMGGGG THATS THE END OF THE SERIES!!! wowza that was like 1100 words or something. I hope you enjoyed the break free series!! im really going to miss this but all good things must come to an end. i will be posting an epilogue within the next week or so. this isn't over yet but i am going to tell you that paige is no longer with us. so sad. thank you to everyone who actually stayed with this through till the end. ik i was really inactive with this within the last four months but i did finish it. thank you for reading pretty tragedy!

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