12 - black and blue

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Chapter 12


Paige's POV

I thought about it and scribbled back,

I'm not mad at you. It's just family issues.

P.s, I totally wasn't chewing at my lip.


I took my note and walked past Gino and dropped it in his hood of his sweater.

I walked back to my desk and looked over at him smiling. He read my note and smiled. He was probably happy that I wasn't mad at him.

The bell rung signalling second period. I quickly got up and shuffled my feet to second period.

I finally got there after sliding my feet across the school. When I got to class the teacher was just about to start his lesson.

"Ah, nice for you to join us Miss," the teacher stopped to find out my name

"Hyland" the teacher finished

Embarrassed, I ran to my seat and pulled out my pink, sparkly notebook and I started writing notes off the chalk board.

After a hour of listening to the teacher blab about pointless thing and a hour of me taking pointless notes that I will never use, the bell rang for lunch.

I sprinted out of the class room and ran to my locker. I pulled out my lunch and headed to the lunch room.

I got there and I already saw Chloe's long blond hair swaying back and fourth as she was walking to the table.

I quickly shuffled my feet and sat down beside Chloe. When I got there Chloe and Gino already were arguing. I just quietly sat down and nibbled on my sandwich.

Halfway through my sandwich, Chloe shoved her phone into my face.

"White and Gold or Black and Blue?" Chloe questioned

"Black and Blue." I said

"Told you!" Chloe yelled in Gino's face

Gino huffed.

"It is not! It's white and gold." Gino argued back

I rolled my eyes at there child like behaviour and continued to eat my sandwich.

After 20 minutes of listening to them bicker the lunch bell rang and we packed up our food and went to our next class.

The day finally came to an end and we went home. When Josh and I went home I grabbed the mail. I looked through the mail and saw there was a letter from the lawyer.

I quickly hid the letter in the back of the pantry not wanting dad to see it.

I know he will find it eventually but I really don't want him to.

I threw the rest of the mail onto the counter and ran to my room. I fell back onto my bed and took my phone out of my pocket.

3 new messages

I checked the first one and it was from my dad.

I'll be home at 12. Go to bed at a reasonable time.

The next one was from Gino.

Josh told me what happened. I'm sorry for pushing it at school. I wasn't sure what was wrong. I thought I did something. Text me back soon please.

The last one was from my mom.

Paige, I'm going to get you and Josh one way or another.

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!! You guys hate me. Sorry but there will be its of drama soon.

I have like 6 stories but I'm not sure which one to pick!!! help me!!

hint for next chapter~ visits from mom and more maddie drama.

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