13 - beige and yellow pant suits

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Chapter 13


Paige's POV

Watching the ceiling fan go round and round wanting for things to change is not my ideal Saturday plans. Most kids my age would be with friends or watching a movie but for me, it was watching my ceiling fan.

Pretty lame, I know.

I know that this isn't how most people don't spend their Saturdays but I don't have a very good social life.

So far since the text, my mom hasn't tried anything but then again, I could be wrong.

Who knows what that woman thinks know that I know she is a drug addict. I'm taking a guess and saying that she's probably planning on finding a way to get Josh and I in her possession.

I finally decided to stop being a loser and ask if Chloe wanted to go to the mall.

I pulled out my phone to text Chloe but I had another text message.

I'm one step closer.


"How would this look on me?" Chloe asked holding up the most ugliest pant suit ever.

"I don't think it goes with your eyes, try this one." I said holding up a beige pant suit with yellow polka dots.

Trust me, it was hideous.

"Only if you try one on with me." Chloe said smirking.

"You got yourself a deal." I said looking through the rack for my size.

We practically ran to the fitting rooms to try on the hideous pant suit.

"Hi, we would like to try these on." I said the the lady behind the fitting room counter.

"Here," the lady said throwing us number tags not looking up from her manicure that was starting to chip.

I rolled my eyes at her rudeness and went to a free fitting room with Chloe doing the same.

I slipped on the pantsuit not bothering to look in the mirror to see how hideous it was.

I stepped out of the curtain telling Chloe I was ready.

Moments later Chloe stepped out of the dressing room with her pant suit.

"Oh my gosh," Chloe and I said in unison.

We both turned to the wall length mirror that was attached to the wall in front of us.

The look on our faces was priceless.

Chloe whipped out her phone.

"Selfie time." She said like a five year old.

I giggled at her child like behaviour and posed for the selfie.

A couple minutes later my phone buzzed in my pocket. I unlocked my phone and saw the post Chloe posted of us in the hideous pant suits.

Love my twinnie <3

I smiled and commented back,

Love you too <3

We got changed back into our regular clothes and handed the pant suits to the rude lady behind the counter and left the store.

After we left the store my phone started to play Shut up and Dance, my favourite song in the universe.

"Hello" I said into my phone signalling Chloe to stop.

"Hey Paige it's Dad, I need you to come home, like now. I'll pick you and your friends name if you want." dad said with an annoyed tone that basically told me to get home now or else.

"Um okay, by the way, my friends name is Chloe." I said saying a quick bye, then hanging up.

I turned back to Chloe telling her that we had to go. She didn't argue, she just said a simple okay and we walked out of the mall waiting for my dads car to pull up.

The wait for my dad was silent. Neither Chloe or I said a word. I looked over and saw my dad's rusty red pick-up truck pulling into the mall parking lot.

Chloe and I hopped into my dads truck and Chloe told him her address. The entire car ride was silent. It wasn't the nice silent, it was the silent that know one likes.

We arrived at Chloe's house in ten minutes flat. As soon as she left the car I questioned my dad.

"Why did you call?" I asked my dad trying to look him in the eyes.

"Paige, it's about your mom." My dad said not taking his eyes off the road.

"What about her?" I questioned.

"She's back, and she's not stopping until she has you and Josh."

A/N: Hey, I haven't updated in a while and i'm sorry. I'm thinking of posting a new story soon. It's a Kendall, Kalani, Nick and Josh story. Tell me what you think and when I should post it.


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