11 - chewing my lip

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Chapter 11


Paige's POV

After the big blow up with our mom she hasn't come back to talk to us once. I'm glad. I don't want to see her again.

I'm not trying to be mean but I really don't want to see her. Ever.

"Paige," Josh said coming into my room. "We have to go."

I sighed and got off my super comfy bed.

We headed down to the bus stop in silence. Neither of us said a word when we were on the bus either.

What if mom tries to take us?

What if mom does end up getting us?

All these thoughts ran through my head. Josh gently shook my shoulder and took me out of my thought.

Gino tried to come up to Josh and I but we just walked pass them. I wasn't in the mood to talk and I knew Josh wasn't either.

I was at my locker and Chloe came up to me.

"What's wrong?" she asked with her sad look on her face. I knew she wanted me to tell her so she could tell Gino.

"I don't want to talk about it." I simply said with Chloe nodding at my response.

I walked to my first period class which was intact with Gino. I knew he would try to talk about it. I really didn't want to talk about what happened.

I sat down in my usual seat which happened to be next to Gino.

He asked me the same thing that Chloe asked me but I just didn't answer him. I know it's rude but I don't care any more.

After consecutive times of Gino trying to talk to me I thing he gave up.

I reached into my book bag to grab my notebook. I pulled it out of my bag and a crisp folded line piece of paper fell out.

With a confused expression on my face I picked up the paper and unfolded it. In Gino's 'neat' handwriting it read,

Paige, I'm sorry if I upset you. I really don't want you mad at me. Please tell me if I did anything.


P.s, stop chewing at your lip beautiful.

A/N: Hey y'all I haven't updated in forever. Sorry this is a super short chapter. OMG I have a couple of new stories but I don't want to post them all at once. I'm deciding on a Kalani story, a Maddie story or a Kendall story. Comment which one I should post.


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