Chapter 23: Another dragon

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All the participants are transported to random places in the labyrinth, each is confronted with multiple caves in front of them with just one leading to a way out and all the other having a powerful opponent waiting for them to confront. The other caves not only had extremely powerful wizards but had different powerful monsters which the player had to defeat to move onto the next level.

All the players stared carefully at the mouth of each cave, while few were terrified just by hearing the voice coming from those caves, and few others were terrified by the magical aura they sensed from within. But unlike others, Zero just walked in without wasting any time.

Zero walked further into the cave and slowly as he walked the cave got darker and darker.

But unlike others, he had an advantage because he was a dragon.

Dragons usually lived in caves and had all the ability to survive in all kinds of harsh conditions.

In other words, Zero didn't even need light to navigate in darkness.

Suddenly, he gets attacked by a dagger. Zero dodges the dagger immediately and slides away to a position from where he can spot his opponent.

He spots a strange wizard leaning on the wall of the cave.

"Surprising... You don't look like a normal human. You have unusually fast reflexes just like a... Dragon." says that wizard.

"Who are you !" shouts Zero.
"Chill kid... Even if you are a dragon you ain't a match for me." says the wizard.
Suddenly the cave is filled with light.

Zero instinctively shuts his eyes because of the sudden spread of light.

When the image in his eyes clears up he sees a strange woman with scales of a dragon all over her body. She had strange eyes that resembled those of dragons, her skin was filled with scars and claw marks.
In just a glance you could make out that she was a dragon. But strangely she looked as if she was tortured and wounded instead.

"What could have happened to her...As a dragon who could be powerful enough too-" thought Zero in his mind.

"I don't need your sympathy...You are a fellow dragon, aren't you? How come you are unaware of the hard and scary times we dragons have faced? We were once the species which ruled the earth but now we are forced to hide our identities and live within these weak humans." said the woman.

Zero clenches his fist.
Zero attacks the woman.
"I don't know what you have been through until today but today you are my opponent. The reason I am here is to defeat you and not converse with you," says Zero.
"Your power! You are-" says the woman.

A strange aura began to emit from Zero.
His domineering aura scares the woman.
So she begins to bring out her dragon abilities as well.
The dragon aura emitted by both of them terrifies the complete colosseum.
Zera and Mavis immediately subdue the aura so that no one can sense the presence of dragons.
"Zera-" says Mavis in shock.
"Zero is confronting another dragon," replies Zera.
"But he is-"

"Don't worry, he knows what he is doing. We don't need to worry about him, Let him handle it himself" replies Zera.

The audience continues to cheer, this increases the pressure on Zero. The only way for him to win this match is to use his dragon ability. But his power can also go out of control and put all the humans in danger.

What will Zero do?

To be continued...

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