Chapter 8. Who Doesn't Love A Cowboy?

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June 13, 2023. 12:23 PM.

"Incoming call from Mace Windu." Eliza says.

"Put him through, Liza." I sigh.

"Fury?" Peter asks.

"No, Thor. Of course it's Fury." I remark.

"What can I do for ya, Pirate?" I ask.

"Ha ha. We have a situation." Fury says.

"And you need my help? You do know what I've been doing for the past year and that I'm retired, right?"

"Yes, but we need you and Peter and your skill sets. Tony's retired and your mom's dead. Steve and Bucky are off who knows where doing who knows what, Banner's a teacher, and Clint's retired. You and Peter are the only competent ones left." Fury says.

"Ask Daisy and her crew, they'd love to help." I say.

"They're currently in the 1930s."

"What?!" I screech, getting the attention of half the cafeteria.

"Imma call you back later, Eyepatch. Midtown isn't the place for Avenger talks." I say, hanging up.

"Gone, but not forgotten." A lady says on the tv.

"Thanks to Kenneth Lim and Vihaan Ramamurthy for putting together that touching tribute." The other school talk show host says.

"This year has been nothing short of-"

"[BLEEP] is crazy. It's insane." Jason cuts Betty off.

"Jason." Betty says.

"What?" Jason asks.

"No swearing." Betty scolds.

"Eh, it's like the last day of school, we're good." Jason shrugs.

"Historic." Betty starts. "Over five years ago, half of all life in the universe, including our very own Midtown High, was wiped from existence."

"Yeah, no kidding." I mutter.

"Then, eight and a half months ago, a band of brave heroes brought us back."

And it took Mama's life to do it. Frankly, I could've died too, cause you know, I was the one who killed Thanos and his army.

"They called it... The Blip."

"The Blip?! What kind of name is 'The Blip'?! Half the universe died, and we're calling it 'The Blip'?!" I exclaim.

"Shush! In case you don't remember, you don't go here, so I'd be quiet before you get your friend Stark expelled." Flash smirks.

"Fluorine uranium carbon potassium you, Flash!" I shout. "In case you don't remember, I saved your idiot butt eight months ago, so if anything, you should thank me for making sure that you and everyone else lives."

"Oooohhhh." Peter says enthusiastically.

"Thanks, little bro." I smile.

"Always here to back up my big sis." Peter returns the smile.

"Those of us who blipped away came back the same age." Betty says.

"Again, no kidding! I'm seventeen, not twenty-one!" I exclaim.

"But our classmates that didn't blip had grown five years older." Betty continues.

"Yeah, like, my little brother is now older than me." Jason says.

"Yeah, it's math." Betty explains. "And even though we had blipped away halfway through the school year, the government gave us the rest of the year off to mourn and for some, get financially stable."

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