Chapter 12. Bob the Tomato

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June 16, 2023. 11:24 AM.

"Yo, what's up, Flash Mob? It's your boy, the Big F, cruising through the Alps with my private driver, Dimitri." Flash says, live streaming.

"'Big F'? More like big rich entitled butthead." I tell MJ.

"Alina Romanoff? More like Alina the stuck up orphan." Flash retorts.

"Aiming missiles." Eliza says. I don't have time to be upset over Flash's comment cause, you know, my AI just told me that she's aiming missiles!

"What?! What missiles? I didn't call for a missile strike!" I exclaim quietly.

"Flash just insulted you! Why not kill him? He's an entitled, stuck-up, rude, evil butthead." Eliza reasons.

"Yeah, but we don't kill random people! I can't have that affecting my reputation when I tell everyone that I'm the lead Avenger." I say.

"You're the lead Avenger?" Betty asks.

"No! I was telling MJ how cool it would be if I was!" I scramble to get the words out.

"Nah, sounded like you said you're the lead Avenger." Brad says.

"Would you all stop? I have people interrogating me, Flash over there live streaming and insulting me on social media, and then, on top of that, I have Mace Windu demanding that I keep everyone under control and out of trouble! I'm seventeen, how the heck am I supposed to-"

"Missiles aimed." Eliza says.

"At who?" I whisper.

"Betty, Brad, and Flash." Eliza replies as if she's not targeting seventeen year olds.

"Stand down or I will shut you off." I threaten. "Indefinitely."

"I can't." Eliza replies. Dang it. I open my window and see a drone flying a few feet behind us. I use my water powers to wash the drone away. Water fries computers, boom, no missile strike.

Unknown: What was that?

Blueberry: who wants to know?

Unknown: We met last night at the SHIELD cave in Venice.

Blueberry: don't text and drive, Dimitri.

Grumpy Dude: Answer the question.

Blueberry: an accident. i handled it, now stop texting before you kill us all.

About an hour later...

We come to a stop in a nice looking town. Not Prague, I know that.

"Everybody off, petrol and toilets. Ten minutes." Dimitri says, opening the bus door.

"Toilet, toilet, toilet. Which way to the toilet?" Mr Harrington's teacher friend asks.

"Dimitri, where exactly are we?" Mr Harrington asks. Dimitri doesn't respond.

"I'll figure it out." Mr Harrington says. I drag Peter over to a picnic table but Dimitri stops us.

"What?" I ask.

Dimitri just points to a pub.

"Dude, I'm seventeen. So is Peter. We can't drink, and we're not buying you a drink." I say. I then realize that there's a lady in the pub's doorway. Something about her screams SHIELD.

"It's SHIELD, let's go." I say, dragging Peter over to the pub.

"Who are you?" I ask the blonde lady.

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