Chapter 17. Something (Navy) Blue

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June 25, 2023. 7:00 AM.

"Alina, are you sure that you're ready to go back to Russia?" Eliza asks.

"I'm sure. I need to do this." I say. I suit up and grab my weapons. "Comm check, I want to know if something's wrong before we're halfway across the globe." I say, walking to the main floor.

"Check one two, can you hear me?" Eliza asks.

"Crystal clear." I smile before heading back upstairs.

"Alright, let's hope my mediocre training can help protect you if needed." I chuckle after getting back up to my apartment. I grab a spare gun and hand it to Eliza. "For emergencies only."

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't be handing you a gun if I wasn't."

"Alright." Eliza says, taking the gun. "I like the suit."

"I'm glad. It matches mine." I smile. I made Eliza a suit specifically for today.

"Happy'll be here in twenty-ish minutes."

"Yep. Hey, I want to put together a playlist, you wanna help?"

"For what?"

"Battle playlist. I like to train to music, why not fight to it?"

A good ten minutes later, we have my playlist. It has songs from artists ranging from AC/DC to Green Day, Paramore to LINKIN PARK, that kinda thing. Eliza was worried that Queen's Another One Bites The Dust would freak me out, but it's actually one of my favorite songs.

"What now?" I ask.

"We wait. Stretch, maybe? We could start a movie and watch it on the way to Russia? We could call Peter?"

"I'll go with the third option." I say, grabbing my phone.

I FaceTime Peter and he picks up quickly.

"Hey!" Peter exclaims.

"Hiya, we're bored. Waiting for Happy to get here." I say. "Whatcha doing?"

"Oh, I'm debating where to take MJ on a date. Would she like Italian food?"

"I dunno, you should ask her. Where's Morgan?"

"She's on a play date with a friend from school." Peter replies.

"I didn't know she started school." Eliza says.

"Yep, started about a year ago apparently." Peter says. "Everything's so weird now, like, I live with a five year old now. A five year old who has a robot dog. It's so bizarre. Morgan's a little genius."

"She takes after her sister and her dad." I smile.

"What about me?"

"Well, the other day, I had asked 'guess who just made two AIs into robots' and you said 'uh me' like an idiot."

"Not my finest moment." Peter says and Eliza and I laugh.

"Definitely not. Hey, I'm thinking about hosting a Meme Lords sleepover after I get back from Russia, would you, Ned, and MJ be interested?"

"Dude, why is that even a question, we'd all love to." Peter smiles.

"Ok, we need movies to watch on the way to Russia, Peter, you have any ideas?" Eliza asks.

"Have you seen Anastasia?"

"We watched it last night. I have Once Upon a December stuck in my head and it's amazing." I grin.

"Oh. How about-"

"Star Wars! Eliza, you haven't seen Star Wars!" I exclaim.

"I've heard lots about it, but I've never seen it." Eliza says.

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