Chapter 13. Are You Telling Me I Had A Panic Attack For Nothing?!

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June 16, 2023. 6:40 PM.

After a few more minutes of running, Peter and I reach the hotel.

"Ah! Peter, Alina, there you are!" Mr. Harrington exclaims. "That's a relief, I did not want to lose another student on a field trip, much less the son of Tony Stark."

"Forgot about me?"

"And the daughter of the Black Widow, but she's uh, dead."

"I think I preferred it with you forgot me."

"Sorry. But, I have good news! We're going to the opera!" Mr. Harrington shouts.

"Thanks, Liza." I mutter.

"No problem."

"What happened to the carnival?" MJ asks.

"This is upgrade living." Mr. Harrington says. "The tour company just gave us these tickets!"

Ned looks at Peter who gives him a look. 'Sorry, but I had to do that to save the world' type look.

"Come on, guys! We got these for free! For free! Do you know how much opera tickets cost?"

"No, because none of us have ever wanted to go to the opera, ever." Flash says.

"I think this is gonna be culturally enriching for us." Ned says.

"Thank you, Ned." Mr. Harrington smiles. "Everyone, this is gonna be the best four hours of our whole trip."

"Holy crud, Liza." I mutter while trying to contain my smile. The entire class groans because they'll be stuck at the opera. For four hours. While I save the world. With Peter too, of course.

"Alright, everyone! Fancy clothes time!" Mr. Harrington's friend says.

Everyone goes up to their rooms and changes into fancy clothes. I put on a nice pair of blue pants, a white button-up, and the blazer that came with the pants. I managed to make it look nice and normal with my suit underneath. My bulky gear is in my purse and it'll be easy to get to when I go kick Elemental butt.

After everyone's dressed up nicely, we start to head to the opera.

"I bet you're all happy I had you pack a nice outfit." Mr. Harrington says.

All my outfits are nice, this one is just fancy.

"Yeah, because we'd much rather go to a four day long opera than go to the coolest party ever."

"Flash, it's four hours, you idiot." I insult.

"Romanoff, Stark, do you copy?" Maria asks. "Comm check, one, two."

"Loud and clear, Maria." I say, thankful for all the noise. Brad looks at me oddly.

"What? Did I turn into an alien or something?" I ask. Brad doesn't respond and I keep walking like this never happened.

"You look nice."

"And therefore I have value?"

"No, that's not what I meant at all. I was just-"

"I'm just kidding. But, Brad, I hope you know that even though I'm bi, that doesn't mean I'm going to date you or, you know, anyone."

"Uh, I didn't know you were bi."

"Now you do."

"Awkward." Eliza says.

"No kidding." I retort quietly. After another few minutes of walking, we arrive at the opera.

"Ok, here we are! Beat the rush!" Mr. Harrington exclaims. He's really into this whole opera thing.

"Are you in position?" Fury asks.

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