Chapter 20. Whoa, Is This One Of The Super Vague Clues?

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April 11, 2024. 2:15 AM.

Everything goes black and I can't see Peter. My suit changes from my Silver Lion suit to my Black Widow suit. Lights start to fall from the ceiling, only stopping when the strings are taut.

"You said you were just a kid." Mysterio says, walking towards me and as he steps forward, I back away. I try to shoot him but the bullets fired out of my gun just turn into green smoke. Mysterio appears behind me and I try to punch his lights out, but I punch a concrete pole instead. "You told me you wanted your mother back."


"Mama!" I shout, running to where I heard the voice. I bust through a door and almost fall off a cliff.

"Sunshine, what's happening?"

"Mama!" I exclaim, only to see Mysterio shove her off.  "NO!" I shout, trying and failing to catch her.

"You don't know what's real, do you?" Mysterio asks.

"I know that you're a heartless moldy piece of cake and that you'll be paying for my therapy bills until your great-grand kids die." I remark, only to be thrown back. New York races past me, then Los Angeles, then I'm in Wakanda. It's peaceful.

Until it's not. A hand falls from the sky and I'm trapped in a giant fist. It pulls me out of Wakanda and I fall back and hear the sound of glass shattering.

"You need to wake up!" Mysterio says, his voice so distorted that it sounds like a different person. I fall, only to have a car break my fall. I manage to roll off, but instead of the ground, I fall onto a body.

"P-Peter? Wake up, please!" I exclaim, shaking his shoulders.

"You could've saved me." He says before fading to dust in my arms.

"No!" I shout. I see Clint and May fall to the ground. I'm alone. I'm pulled to the Red Room.

"You are made of marble and you can't be broken." Madame C says. "You are made of marble and you have no place in the world. Isn't that right, Shadow?"

"Yes, ma'am." I say on instinct.

"Good. Now, go to your quarters. We start training at four thirty sharp." Madame C says and I appear to be pulled back to reality.

"You did your research, didn't you, Moldy?" I ask, even though Mysterio is nowhere to be seen. He can still hear me, I know it. "Bring me back to my brother or I will pour cement into your eyes and up your nose." I threaten.

"Ooh, how menacing and scary!" Mysterio says in a mocking, high pitched voice.

"Ooh, how idiotic and dumb!" I reply in the same mocking, high pitched voice. "Where is my brother?" I ask seriously.

"You'll never know." Mysterio replies.

"And all you'll know will be the extreme pain of getting your non-existing brain imploded."

"Yeah right." Mysterio says before vanishing. "You are just a scared little kid in a tutu!" He shouts and my suit turns into a ballet outfit, ballet shoes and all. "I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. You just got in my way." He says and he starts to shoot lasers at me.

My weapons are gone. I dodge and try my hardest to get away, but it's hard to run in these shoes. A concrete fist falls on top of me and I brace myself for the pain. I realize that it never came and that my Black Widow suit is back.

"If you were good enough, maybe Natasha would still be alive." Beck says. I look up and I'm faced with Mama's grave. "You know that I'm right."

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