Chapter 16. A New Friend

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June 19, 2023. 7:30 AM.

I arrive at my apartment in LA with quite a few boxes. I pack my clothes, my collectibles, my, well, everything I can. I take the art off the walls and put them in a box. This week, I move into the apartment in the Romanoff Foundation's main building.

"Eliza, do you think that these boxes will fit in my car?" I ask.

"I would take your fragile and most important things in the car and hire a moving van to haul the rest." Eliza says.

"I didn't really want to have to hire a moving van, but whatever." I say.

Quite a few hours later, I have almost everything packed and ready to be brought to New York. I hear my phone go off from across the room.

"Peter, I've been gone for a day, what's the big deal?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah, Dad told me to ask if you needed someone to help with the boxes and stuff."

"I'm working on hiring a moving van, why?"

"No need, Dad's got it handled. He's currently in, Mom, what state is Dad in?" Peter asks.

"Almost to Pennsylvania." Pepper replies.

"He's almost to Pennsylvania, so expect him in the next day or so." Peter replies.

"He didn't have to do that, it's no big deal."

"He's trying to fix your relationship with him. He feels bad that you think that he killed Nat and he wants to try to fix things between the two of you."

"Oh. Well, I think we'll all have a lot of time to hang out after I move back to New York and after my trip to Russia."

"Yeah, why exactly are you going to Russia?"

"Ok, so you know about the three voices in my head, right? Well, they've been slowly explaining that I have to find something called 'Night' where two lives began to intertwine. It was either Compound, which is complete scrap, or the Red Room. I think that the foundations are still in Vorkuta, so that's where this thing should be. It's so weird, but the voices saved my life a couple days ago, so I trust them."

"Do you need someone to come with you? Keep you safe and stuff?"

"I can protect myself and I'm not as emotionally vulnerable anymore, so it'll be harder to use the words against me. I'll be fine." I smile.

"I'm still gonna worry."

"I never doubted that. I'll see you later, I wanna finish packing up these boxes."

"Alright. May the Force be with you!" Peter exclaims and he hangs up.



"Did Beck get to my files on making you real?"

"Those files, along with most of your files, are password protected. Beck didn't get to any of your research, I promise."

"I'm still really sorry for giving you to that guy."

"You didn't know and I know you tried your hardest to get me back."

"What do you say about trying out the lab when we get to the Foundation?"

"That would be awesome. I can see the headline, 'Seventeen year old Avenger builds a fully functional android'."

"That'd be cool, but I don't plan on making the news with this. This is just you, me, some Stark tech, and maybe some Wakandan tech. I wouldn't want to show you to the world, because look what happened back in, I don't know, wasn't it 2010 when people started making knockoff Iron Man suits? If someone figured out how I brought you to reality, it could be catastrophic."

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