🏩Love Hotel🏩

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"Y/n-chan!!" You stumbled off your bed and opened the front door to see, "Osomatsu-kun? What're you...? What time is it?" You tried to speak but ended up saying nonsense, it was shining so brightly as well. "Huh? It's 12 pm." He told you, you slapped your own face and groaned.

"Sorry... It's been a while since I had a goodnight sleep." You said in a drowsy tone and flopped onto your couch while snuggling the rabbit plush. Osomatsu looked at you and his cheeks went warm. "The fuck you staring at?" You glared into his soul and laughed it off.

"What are you doing here anyway?" You yawned and sat up.

"Oh! I glad you ask! I just won pachinko, so I'm gonna go eat with you!" You snapped back to reality and stood still, not moving an inch. "Let me get this straight... I got free food?" You reassured him and Osomatsu just rubbed his nose.


You come out with a (favorite color) hoodie, jeans, Osomatsu immediately blushed. "Whatchu lookin' at?" You glared at him, he shook his head and walked outside.

"So about the place..." You trailed off and looked at Osomatsu, he was smirking. It made your blood run cold. "Somewhere fancy!" He giggled.

'Fancy... Concerning in a lots of ways.' You thought and cleared your throat. "You want us to eat where now?"

"Somewhere fancy!" Osomatsu said again.

"How much did you won?!"


Meanwhile in the Matsuno house, the brothers were discussing something. "So, we're not trusting Osomatsunii-san with this, right?" Todomatsu spoke up.

"Of course not!" Choromatsu stated.

"My burazzas, let us look after our Y/n-chan from our ruthless burazza!" Karamatsu declared.

"Shut up, Shittymatsu." Ichimatsu growled.

"Jyushimatsu?" Choromatsu turned to his yellow brother, but to see him with his eyes dilated and his normal heart shaped turning into a broken heart. "Jyushimatsunii-san?" Todomatsu looked to see his brother.

"Homura lied to me!!" Jyushimatsu cried.

The rest of them watched him bawled his eyes out and in desperation, Ichimatsu stood up. "It's fine..." He rubbed Jyushimatsu's back. "She didn't came!! Me and Y/n-chan have been waiting for her!!" He cried more.

"Jyushimatsu, it's fine." Karamatsu said confidently but just ended up being punched by Ichimatsu on the face.

"Okay, let's go!" Choromatsu stood up, taking the role of the "older brother" and pointing at their color-coded cloths.

"Osomatsu-kun, this is... Something else." You said awkwardly to see the restaurant was a normal looking restaurant. "See? This curry restaurant is fancy!" Osomatsu rubbed his upper lip again. "Yeah..."

After ordering your food, you were nervously tapping your fingers on the table. "Y/n-chan, you look hot today!" Osomatsu flirted, you just nervously giggled. It was pretty fast how he changed from your last encounter with him. "So..."

You perked up and smiled. "...do you want to have a boyfriend?" He asked you bluntly.

His brothers, who were spying on you guys, slapped their faces collectively to their eldest brother's bluntness.

"You know..." They stopped and listened to your conversation more carefully. "...I do have some thoughts of having one but that's it. Nothing weird or dirty."

Osomatsu nods and hums everytime you explained the reason for it but his mind was somewhere else, the gutter.

"Have you been on touch with your friends or family?" Osomatsu cut you off. You thought it was a bit rude for him to cit someone off but figured, it was Osomatsu you were with. "My mom are actually calling me more than usual. F/n too."

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