Trying To Steal Her Heart part 2

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Before the chapter starts, I wanted to say that if this feels rushed or not like the other chapters, I'm sorry. My writing style has changed within a couple of months ago from writing other things. And I think I'm going to end this book maybe January next year or December.

I hope you won't be mad at me. I'm slowly drifting off to other fandoms and I wanted to publish some other works that I've been keeping in my drafts.

Let's get into the chapter!

F/n : Friend's name

You woke up in your bed, tired and a bit frustrated about what happened yesterday with the sextuplets. 'I can't believe those fucks.' You crawled out your bed and tied your hair into a ponytail while walking to your kitchen.

With a sip of coffee in the morning you felt a bit energized and was ready to start the day, but you ended napping on the couch instead because you were lazy as fuck that day. You rubbed your eyes and picked up your phone, "it's the weekend? Perfect..."

You were cuddling yourself on the couch with blankets and pillows as you fluttered your eyes to sleep.

KNOCK KNOCK (A/n : for reference of how the knock sounds like, I suggest watch the video of Frozen as buff men or the video)



You fell off you couch and accidentally stubbed your toe on one of the legs of the couch. You yelped in pain and stumbled your way to the door. As you opened, you saw your friend, F/n. Your face lit up and hugged her immediately. "Hey, what're you doing here?" You smiled at her, she giggled and told you that she just wanted to visit.

"Nice house."


F/n sat down on your couch and snuggled herself with your blankets and pillows but you quickly pulled them off and clicked your tongue. "It's not for you." She pouted and tried to convince you but it failed miserably.

You went into your kitchen and asked her if she wanted anything to drink, she said she was good and you took your coffee to the living room.

"Hey Y/n-chan, are you going to hang out with the Matsunos or something?" You spat out your coffee and wiped it off. You were shocked and F/n still has a straight face. "Very funny, F/n-chan." But she was serious and faced you with a serious face. You sighed and told her no.

"If not, Karamatsu-kun asked us if we could go with him to the bridge we used to go back in middle school."

You remembered the times of your middle school years, sure it was a time that you wanted to forget but it was also the first time you met F/n. You two used to go to the bridge, the bridge where you found Karamatsu's suicide letter.

"Oh, alright. I'd love to see him."

"Really? He gave me the cringe, he said that I was his 'Karamatsu girl' or shit like that."

You chuckled and put on your (f/c) shirt and some jeans. You went out your room to see F/n smirking. "What?" You said, she was still silent. "Dressed up, much?" You were confused and asked her what did she meant. "You never walk around like this, did living here changed you or you like Karamatsu?" You turned fifty shades of red and denied it.

F/n kept on teasing you like she used to and you kept denying it. "Don't give me that look, I know you had a crush on him back in first year!" You turned even redder than before and shook your head. It was true, you used to have a small crush on the blue brother. You knew which one he was out of six and would approached him during class alone. You always find his personality interesting and funny. But you soon grew out of it and forgot about it, until F/n mentioned it.

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